Chapter 11 - Party

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Somehow I managed to fix things with Lane and thankfully the drugs I had found didn't belong to him, he was holding onto them for someone else. I know that shouldn't make me feel any better but it does.

Being around the type of lifestyle we live I've seen many things most people my age haven't. I'm used to being around drugs, guns, dangerous men, none of it really bothers me because we're all family and I know they'd never hurt me. But what I'll never get used to and don't ever want to see again is Lane using.

Lane was using for four months before any of us noticed, blow mostly, he managed to keep himself so together in front of us but behind closed doors Shay noticed something was up, she didn't know for sure until she walked in on him, white powder lined up in a rows with a card sitting next to it and Lane rolling a bill between his fingers.

After that my mother and father got him the help he needed.

"It's nice to have you back." Ellie grins from my bed as I finish getting ready.

"What happened with you and that dick Tyler?" Mazie asks abruptly.

"Mazie." Ellie shoots her a glare.

"No, she's right." I turn to them. "Some things happened, things that I'm not ready to talk about because I still haven't told my parents, but-"

"He was putting his hands on you, wasn't he?" Mazie fires once again.

"H-How did you know?" I bit down on my bottom lip.

"I can tell from the way you act around him, why do you think I never liked his ass?" She huffs "My mother was abused and when Tyler would come near you, you had the same scared look in your eye as she had when my father would come near her." She admits

"Right." I nod slowly. "Well it's over now for me and for your mom as well." I offer her a soft smile.

"What time is your new man getting here?" Ellie wiggles her brows.

"He's not my new man." I blush softly. "We're just kind of seeing each other I suppose." I shrug softly.

"But you like him?"

"Of course I like him, I wouldn't be hanging out with him if I didn't." I turn back to the mirror.

"If you like him, and you're seeing each other he pretty much is your new man." She shrugs

"Call him what you want." I smile at her over my shoulder.

"After Tyler I'm surprised, you're not sworn off men all together." Mazie laughs softly, but there was something under lying in her tone.

"Zay isn't like Tyler, you'll see."

"How did you meet this sexy south side boy anyway?" Ellie grins

After filling the girls in on how I met Zayd they were a little more understanding about Tyler and I and why Zay had come into my life so suddenly and quite simply has almost stolen my heart already.

I'll admit I'm afraid of being judged, I don't want to be known as the girl who jumps from man to man, not that there is anything wrong with a woman who chooses to do that, but for me, that's not how it is. I honestly don't believe I know what feelings were before I met Zay.

"Char, Zay's here." Shay pushes my bedroom door open with a smile.

"You sure you don't want to come with us?" I pout at her

"Lane wouldn't want me there without him." She shrugs

"Zay will be with us, we'll be fine." 

"Alright fine, you bullied me into it." She gives me a cheeky grin and runs back to the room she shares with Lane, I'm assuming to get dressed.

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