Chapter Eight

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Todoroki's POV:

I was still in the lockers after all the other guys left. I just had to ask Katsuki some questions before we had to train. The panic attack he had last night was scary. What did the League of Villains do to him? Did I even want to know? He seemed fine the days following. I mean I had just started keeping a close eye on him, so maybe he did change from the way he was before.

I moved around the lockers, and saw him. He was putting on the bottom layer of his costume. When he heard me, he rushed to put it on. We made eye contact and he had this look of 'ugh AGAIN?' on his face, but I had seen the bruises scattered over his torso and abs. Damn those thing were toned. Ugh stop thinking about that. I mean he does look good. I step towards him, and he stepped back once. He looked kind of scared but I didn't ask about that.

"Tch what IcyHot?!" He asks. He quickly puts on the arm layer of his costume and then the gloves. Almost as if he's hiding something. I see that his abs are showing. I stare at them. Wow those are... just wow. He sees that I'm looking and pulls the cloth down, covering his amazing abs. He turns his head to the side after a few seconds of thinking. He looks ashamed.

We stay quiet for a little, and then he asks again, "What did you want?!" I blush because I know he saw me staring. I just say, "I saw the bruises on your body, what happened?"

"I was training in the dark last night and I hit myself a couple of times with the trees." He seemed satisfied with his answer. I just nod, but I'm definitely not convinced.

I will ask him more questions at the sleepover. Maybe I'll wake him up in the middle of the night or while Midoriya is getting snacks. "Okay, well, hurry up because you've taken too long already," I say. Then I walk out as he just looks at me. As I'm walking to the training grounds, I think about how I'll get him to open up to me. He needs to feel comfortable and cared about. I wonder what happened when he was taken.

When I get there, Midoriya comes up to me and asks what took me so long. "I just had to do something first, it was nothing," I tell him. He goes back to Iida and Uraraka. After a while, Katsuki comes to the training grounds. He's moving rather slowly. He looks distressed. Like he's forcing himself to walk.

He looks at me and glares. "Tch, move, IcyHot." He waits for me to move. I do so and he walks towards the rest of the class. Then Mr. Aizawa speaks up. "Today you will do one on one combat. You will draw a number and one other person will have that number. That person will be your partner. It won't be a whole show or anything, it's just training." He then got in his cocoon thing and went to sleep.

Everyone went up to the front and got their numbers. I got number 6. I look around and ask people if they got the same number as me. Only 2 people who I haven't asked left. Midoriya and Katsuki. I need to ask Katsuki some questions, so I want him to be my partner.

Katsuki's POV:

Hm, I got number 6. I go looking around wondering who got the same number as me. I get tired of waiting around, so after a while I yell out, "I got number 6!" I see red and white hair walk towards me. "Tch what IcyHot?" He looks at me and shows me his paper with the number on it. What!? He got 6 too!? Nothing can go my way.

I sigh and then he starts walking towards the woods. "Our quirks are pretty strong, we should get away from other people," he says. I am in a mental battle right now. I have to make it to where he can't ask any questions, but I'm in no condition to put on a real fight. My rib is most likely broken. I don't know for sure, but it feels pretty bad.

We walk pretty far into the woods until we see a clearing. We stand far from each other. We are both in a fighting position. I don't make any remarks to provoke him because I can't take anything hard right now. I just put on an angry and smug face. He charges first and throws his ice. It's not too fast, so I dodge it, but let me just talk about the pain I felt. My face contorts as I bite back a wince, but I quickly throw an attack at him before he asks anything.

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