Chapter Sixteen

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Shoto's POV:

I was thinking about asking Katsuki to go on a date with me. If I tell him that's how he can repay me, that would be kind of sadistic. Ugh I'm going for it. As he reaches for a chip he goes to say something. It's now or never. "A way you can repay me is by going on a date with me," I say suddenly. Oh that came out kind of weird. What if he doesn't even like guys? Oh no. What if he just wanted to be friends? What if I just ruined this? He dropped his chip. We look at each other and he turns red and looks away. "Um was that to much? Do you even like guys? I don't know I just know that I like you, as more than a friend. Agh I don't know."

He turns around to look at me. His face is still red and I can feel mine heat up. "Um, I don't know what to say. I guess um yeah I will go on a date with you." I smile at him. He smiles back and he looks happy. We start putting our stuff away and I take the bag of chips and put it in his backpack. Maybe he can eat some later. I'll talk about his home life with him when he's ready. The bell rings, so we hurry and throw our stuff away. It's 1:45 now so we have until 4 to be stuck in class doing nothing. We both go to separate staircases since there are many students in the hall below us. I go down the stairs and head to the class. Katsuki isn't here yet, but it shouldn't be anything bad. He's probably with Kirishima and Kaminari.

A little later, he walks in with the Kaminari. Kaminari is talking about some dinosaur game that he really likes and Katsuki looks distracted. But not in a bad way. He looks happy. Was it because I asked him out? Ugh I shouldn't be so vain. I'll stop now. I look away and wait for Mr. Aizawa to start the lecture or do whatever he's planning for today. Katsuki still has his mad face on, but he looks happy. Not distressed. Ugh I told myself I wasn't going to look at Katsuki and here I am still looking at him. He turns to look at me and I turn away with my eyes wide. Ugh he definitely caught me staring. I can tell my face is red because I felt it heat up. I take out my phone while I wait for Mr. Aizawa and see that I got a text. It's from 'Dad' I open it up. 'Hey Shoto I was wondering if you'd be joint us for dinner tonight'. I don't have any plans, so I respond, 'Yes, I'll see you at home, love you'.

My dad is a good person. He tries his best for us. Yeah he was kind of a jerk a while back, but he's changed. He doesn't make me use my left side, but he's teaching me how to control it. I'm still a little mad at him, but now that mom's back, it's getting a little bit better around the house. There's barely any awkward silences sometimes and we're all getting closer. He even apologized to me and I accepted his apology. It's just weird now. I don't know. Maybe I can invite Katsuki over next weekend or maybe even during the week. I'd have to see what he says though. I gasp. When will I take him on that date? Okay so I'll ask him to come to my house on Tuesday, but not like take him to my house. You know? It'll be like asking him questions and hanging out. And then on I'll ask him if he wants to go on the date on Wednesday or Thursday.

I like that plan and I look forward to the future. It's going to be great. I really like Katsuki and I don't know how I've managed to not notice how amazing he is. My thoughts are interrupted my Mr. Aizawa coming in. I put away my phone. I didn't even do anything besides respond to my dad's message. Anyways he looks as dead inside as usual. "Okay so Mic is coming in to teach English. I know it's not one of his teaching days, but we have free time and some of you need this." A lot of people groan. I just sigh because I already know most of this and it's just repeating the same grammar rules that not everyone remembers over the years. Present Mic isn't loud when he's teaching, but if he sees that you or someone isn't paying attention, he'd definitely use his quirk. This happens with most of the Bakusquad.

Katsuki doesn't get yelled at unless it's for using his quirk to intimidate other students and Mr. Aizawa usually does that. I don't think that will happen in this class because Mr. Aizawa is walking out of the classroom. Present Mic comes in and I see that Katsuki flinches. Was he thinking about something? What was he thinking about? Everyone saw him at the door, so everyone prepared themselves. Katsuki wasn't looking at the door though, he was looking at the board. He was just staring at it for a while. "HEEEEEELLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOO STUDENTS!" Mic yells. Everyone is silent. "MAKE SOME NOISE FOR ENGLISH!!!" It's still silent. "Okay well let's get started then."

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