Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Katsuki's POV:

It's already Sunday and, well, on Wednesday it's Christmas. I moved my stuff to Mr. Aizawa's place on Saturday, with the help of the class. It was pretty hard going back to my house after everything and I hadn't gone back until yesterday. Before I let anyone in, I picked up around he house. Hiding all the beer bottles so that no one would see them. It's embarrassing to let people see your personal life and especially when it was as bad as mine.

Well I just took my drawer, the rest of my clothes, and my bed. Mr. Aizawa told me that we could sell the stuff like the couch, stove, washer, and dryer. He said that the money from that would be mine. I almost cried from how thoughtful he was being. He just ruffled my hair. Present Mic and Mr. Aizawa had two spare rooms and they let me choose mine. They're really nice and they even made a dinner after. We talked about a lot. Turns out they've been dating since high school and have been married for 5 years.

It's very cute. I hope that I find or that I've already found someone special like that. They make an amazing couple and they get along just fine. They told me that 'they accept that I'm gay... obviously' and I laughed at that. I haven't slept there. I'm kind of nervous and Mr. Aizawa said that I don't have to sleep there, but that if I want to, it's always going to be there.

They won't be able to adopt me until sometime after the holidays. The court still needs to sign all the papers. They already did some research about close family and they didn't find anyone. They can't even find my father, but that's a good thing. I don't want to see him anyways. I mean I do because he's my father, but he was supposed to accept me when I came out. He didn't and left me and Mother. She despised me after and I always wonder if the reason they gave up on me so easily after I came out was because they were already giving up on me. It's just that when I came out, they took the opportunity and snapped.

I'm in my dorm room and I'm thinking about a lot. I'm thinking about my fate with Shoto, my parents, the adoption, my friends, just everything. Today, Mr. Aizawa asked me if I wanted to join him and Present Mic for Christmas dinner and I gladly agreed. They were so happy when I said yes, they just lit up. I asked them if I could go out later because I planned a date with Shoto and they agreed as long as I was either back at the dorms or back there with them by midnight.

I agreed and they we're excited. They said dinner would start at 6 and that I could go whenever I was finished. I hugged them both and they were left there shocked as I told them I was going to the dorms. They snapped out of their shock and waved goodbye. Shoto is in his dorm and I'm going over right now to ask him. I take a deep breath and open the door. I put my hands in my pockets as I head to his room. When I'm outside I taken another deep breath and let it out heavily before knocking. I heard a quiet 'be right there'. A few seconds went by before he opened it and when he saw me he smiled.

"Hey babe," he said. His eyes widened and so did mine as we both blushed. We hadn't really called each other babe, baby, boo, bae, or anything like that before. I laugh a bit and say, "Hi back, babe." He shakes his head, embarrassed that he let it slip, and moves back for me to enter. I walk in and turn around to look at him. I sit on the bed and he looks at me curiously as he closes the door. "What's up?"

I look at him and say, "Well I was thinking and I wanted to take you on a date. Would you like to go on a date with me?" He smiled and nodded before saying, "Hell yeah." I laugh at his answer and he walks towards me as I'm sitting on the bed. I feel a blush coming up my face as he leans down while I look up and he kisses me. We close our eyes and continue our make out. Then I scoot further up the bed, still kissing him, and he lays down next to me. We break apart for air and then make eye contact before returning to the kiss. His hand goes up to my hair, getting tangled in it. I put my hand on his back, under his shirt like I did last time.

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