Chapter Nineteen

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Katsuki's POV:

I see a wig and put it on without Shoto noticing. Then I grab a crop top and place it over my clothes. I call Shoto and start flipping my hair like a girl. We both start laughing hard. In the middle of laughing, I hear, "Bakugo? Todoroki?" It sounds familiar, so I look up. It's Kirishima. Crap. He had a piercing in his hand, but it was now on the floor and he had this look of pure shock on his face. I definitely did too. I forgot that he was going to get his piercing today. How could I forget? I'm such a screw up. I see Shoto look at me and then back at Kirishima. I take off the wig quickly and stand up straight.

"Tch what's up Shitty Hair!?" I yell. He just looks at me. "Um why are you two hanging out together? And laughing together? I thought you hated each other. I'm so confused. What's going on?" I don't know what to say. I'll just be my rude old self. "What's it to you Boulder? This is none of your goddamn business!" I hate yelling. Shoto doesn't know what to do either. He's just as surprised as I am. "Just tell me what's up Bakugo," Kirishima says. I look over to Shoto to see if he approves of me telling Kirishima about us. He just nods. I turn around to look at Kirishima and take a deep breath. Shoto gets closer to me and I say, "We're on a date."

I blush and look away in embarrassment. Will he judge us? Does he care? Will he tell everyone? When I look back up at him quickly, I see that he has this big smirk plastered on his face. "I knew you were going on a date! I just didn't know it would be the the person you hate the second most. Since Midoriya is first. This is so great!" Me and Shoto look at each other. He's just as confused as I am. "So you don't hate us now?" He shakes his head no. "Of course not, why would I? You're still the same old Bakugo I know. My best friend." He smiles widely and I smile back. I look at Shoto and he's smiling too.

I sigh in relief and Shoto picks up Kirishima's piercing. "Here you go," Shoto says. "Oh thanks bro." He takes it and says, "I came to get a tongue piercing. I finally decided." I nod in approval. "Okay cool dumbass." He sighs sadly and then we just stand there for a while. "Oh yeah I'll leave you guys to your date. I totally forgot. I won't tell anyone about this until you decide when you guys want to come out, you know? It wouldn't be very manly of me to just expose you guys." He waves and leaves. I look at Shoto and he sighs with a smile. "I'm surprised you told him. That's great." I nod. "Yeah I know. I just hated keeping this from him. I'm already hiding so much. I know this was risky, but I just had to tell him."

We keep looking at band shirts and Shoto decides to get us matching band shirts. I only agreed because when I said no his face looked completely defeated. It made me feel guilty, so I complied. I hated that he made me feel like this. Anyways, we got matching My Chemical Romance shirts. I know, so original and no one has heard of this band. Note the sarcasm. We got the one of the Danger Days album. They were on sale, buy one get one free, so it's basically like he didn't really buy it. So win-win. He got me and him matching bracelets too though. They were pretty damn great if you ask me. They were thin and made out of brown leather.

"I'll pay for the stuff. You have to save up to buy groceries remember?" I nod. "Yeah I know but I hate that I don't have that much money so that I can buy us matching stuff," I say. He just nods. "I get it, but for now, I get to spoil you all I want." I look at him as I blush. "Tch don't day stuff like that. You know I get all flustered you jerk!" He laughs as we head to the cash register. We out the stuff down and he pays. "I'm paying you back just so you know." He shakes his head no. Then he perks up and says, "I know. How about hugs? Or cuddles. If you're not comfortable, then you can be big spoon." The lady gives us our change and I don't know what to say. "I um. Wha-huh?"

He laughs and I start laughing too. We walk out of the store and look around to see if there's any people that we know. We see that the coast is clear and head out. I think about the cuddles and being held is something that I really need sometimes. "Okay, I'll give you cuddles but I want to be little spoon. I'll be big spoon sometimes, but um yeah." He smiles at me brightly. "Really? Oh that's so great. You trust me Katsuki?" I look him straight in the eyes and nod. "Of course I do Shoto. You're just an amazing person and I trust you a lot. You still don't know a lot about me, but I will tell you about it. Okay?"

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