Chapter Fifteen

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Katsuki's POV:

When I walk in, Kirishima comes up to me excitedly.

"Hey Bakugo! Are we still on for today? Everyone is excited."

I look at him and nod. "Yeah I don't have anything better to do."

He gasps. "You didn't insult me! You must love me man!"

I pretend to get really pissed and look at him dead in the eyes, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH SHITTY HAIR OR I'LL SHUT IT FOR YOU!" He backs up and laughs nervously.

As he scratches the back of his head, he says, "Ah there it is."

"You would've been fine if you didn't say anything Kirishima," Kaminari says.

"Pfft yeah it's like you were asking for it bro," Sero butts in.

"Yeah well whoopsie me right?" Everyone laughs and I chuckle a bit too before heading to my seat.

It's almost nine, so Mr. Aizawa should be here in a little. I take out my phone out and then I hear a ding. I open the message and see it's from 'Snowflake' I feel my face heat up and remember that I put that as his contact name.

'Hey I found out that one of the classrooms is completely free during lunch and no one has a class there after, so we can hang out there or go there to talk.'

I look back at him and he notices that I'm looking at him, so I nod and quickly look back at my phone.

I text back 'Yeah what class is it? We can't just walk out of class together and head somewhere where the rest aren't.'

As I wait for a reply, I play some solitaire. I'm pretty good at it. I'm trying to beat my record of 43 seconds. Then my phone dings again and I open Shoto's message.

'Yes, you're right. The room number is D5, it's upstairs.' I type a quick reply because I see Mr. Aizawa entering the room.

'Okay got it.'

"Okay class, we're using the training grounds, so get your costumes and go change."

Everyone gets up and grabs their case. They all talk excitedly like they've never used their quirks before. I stay towards the back and follow the guys into the locker room with an annoyed look on my face. I really like my classmates, they're pretty cool.

I sigh and go to my locker slowly. I just cut today, so I still have the gauze around my wrists. The blood is dried now, so I can take off the gauze and just put my costume sleeves over it. I'm just waiting for everyone to leave first. I change my pants first, keeping my blazer on. Then when I don't hear any talking, I go over to the other lockers and check if anyone is still here.

There's no one, so I quickly run to my locker and take off the gauze quickly before putting on my sleeve things. I put the bloody gauze in my backpack in the same hole as my make-up and then close my backpack.

I rush to the door and walk towards the training grounds. No one is in the halls, so I jog so that it seems like I wasn't in the lockers for too long. I open the doors and see the class is only barely exiting the school, so I slow down and angrily walk towards them.

Putting on the sleeve of my costume hurt because they're skin tight. So, ouch, but the pressure feels nice. It doesn't hurt as much as cloth rubbing against them.

"Okay so we're going to make your quirks more tolerable by putting you through extreme pain-" Wow how nice. "-You'll overuse your quirks like in that training camp this past summer-"

I tense up. Everything he's saying is completely drowned out all of a sudden and I start thinking about when they took me.

Shigaraki pulling off my pants as I screamed at him to stop. Being helpless as he put his-

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