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Katsuki's POV:

Well, today's the day. Me and Shoto are getting married. We graduated high school 5 years ago, so that means it's been 7 years since we started dating. A lot has happened since then. It turns out, Kirishima was in fact crushing on Mina and she felt the same way about him. It was honestly surprising since she had never made her feelings apparent. He had decided to just go for it, and she had told him that she felt the same. No one would have guessed that there was something more between them than friendship, but it honestly seems like that makes their relationship stronger. They're still together, and are going strong. They have a baby on the way, it's going to be a girl.

Kirishima almost fainted when he found out. He was so excited to be a father, and in just 2 short months, his baby girl will be born. I congratulated them the day Kirishima told me about it. He was on a call with me as he was finding out. It was actually funny.

In less than thirty minutes, I'll be married to Shoto Todoroki. He kept his promise. He's changing my last name to Todoroki and I couldn't be happier. He proposed to me last year on our anniversary. I honestly didn't even see it coming. He had taken us to the McDonald's where we had gone out together around the time we started dating. It was amazing. He went to pick up the order, and he pretended to drop a packet of ketchup. He kneeled down and then took out the ring. Of course I had said yes, he's the love of my life. His sister dragged him about it because he proposed at a McDonald's. He bought me a MC flurry after, so it was all good.

I'm better now. I still have my really bad days, but they've taken me off the medication, and I still go to therapy. It's honestly a big help for me. Shoto has really been by my side through all of this. It's thanks to him that I'm as happy as I am now. He makes me smile every day and can cheer me up almost instantly. He had gone to a few therapy sessions with me and my shrink told him how he can help me. He did everything she told him about, and never once gave up. I had relapsed once. It was a year after the League of Villains had taken me the second time. I felt so down and horrible. I couldn't take it and I ended up cutting. I broke down and Shoto found me sobbing on the floor of the restroom in my room.

He had comforted me and told me that it was going to be okay while treating my cuts. They were bad and bleeding like crazy. It was bad, but after that, I never cut again. Not even the year after, and it's been a while since then.

"You got this dude. Are you excited?" I look over to Kirishima who's one of my best men. Kaminari is the other. "Yeah," I say. "I'm also really nervous, there's so many people out there," I say. He laughs and Kaminari walks over to us, patting my shoulder. "This is going to be great dude. You're getting married!" I smile, I'm getting married. "So have you guys talked about kids?" I laugh nervously and nod. "Yeah, we have. We want to adopt after we get a better house. I mean, since we're both making a lot of money, we've saved up enough to get a nice house a bit far away from the city," I tell Kaminari.

He smiles and punches my arm excitedly. "Hell yeah man! That's so manly," Kirishima yells. "So, you got your vows ready, right?" I nod. "I had them done the night after he proposed," I admit. They both laugh and Kaminari goes to pour me a glass of water. When he comes back, he hands it to me and I gulp it down. I'm sweating like crazy. Aizawa comes in with a burger and drink. "Ah there you are," I say. He shrugs and takes a bite of the burger. "I don't know how long it'll take, so I decided to grab a bite." Right behind him, is Mic. He also has a drink, but no food. "Hey kiddo! How are you doing?" I let out a ton of air from my lungs and nod. "I'm so nervous. What if I screw up my vows?" Aizawa just pats my shoulder and smiles. "You got this son, just breathe," he says.

I nod. I take a deep breath and let it out. My anxiety starts to fade away. "Okay, I'm better," I tell them. They all smile at me and nod. "Okay, well me and Kiri should get going. We'll see you up there, you look great," Kaminari yells as he drags Shitty Hair out the door. Kirishima just waves and I nod at him.

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