Chapter Eleven

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Shoto's POV:

I had no idea that Katsuki went through all of that. We're currently walking to Midoriya's, and I'm so mad at the League of Villains. I had never hated someone so much. I was going to destroy them. Then I get sad thinking about what Katsuki went through. No one should have to go through that. I will make sure they never get him and also prevent anyone from hurting him like that ever again. I wonder what else he's been through. I'll ask him if he has anything else that he wants to talk about.

He's so brave. We do have to tell an adult about what happened to him, though. I know he won't want to, but he does need to handle this correctly. I'll stick by his side no matter what. I just need to make sure he enjoys this sleepover for now. I'll make his days are fun and full of love. I'll show him that he does deserve to feel loved. I'm not in love with him... Yet. I do feel a certain way towards him, but it's not love yet. I like him a lot. I do plan on telling him, but now is not the time for that.

I need to make sure he's okay first. Telling him something like this could confuse him. I really don't want that. Wait, what if he's not even gay? Why didn't I think of that before? Way to go Shoto. I look at him, he's deep in thought. He doesn't even realize that I'm looking at him. We're still holding hands. I blush slightly. Ugh, he's so cute. His skin is so smooth and his eyes are soft. Usually they're hard and angry, but now they're just calm. I'm so glad he's let his guard down around me.

He still seems a bit tense, but this shows that he trusts me somewhat. It must have taken a lot of trust to tell me that thing that happened to him at the League of Villains hideout. I don't know how he's managed to do this all alone. I'll never let him go through anything alone ever again. I vow to keep him safe. I also couldn't help but notice that Katsuki smells like strawberries. I smile a bit remembering when he said 'hmm apples' out loud. Do I smell like apples? Well anyway, he definitely smells like strawberries.

We get to the front door and look at each other, then at our still intertwined hands. We both agree to let go. When we walk in, he lets out a sigh and Midoriya welcomes us.

"Hi Todoroki, hi Kacchan. I'm so happy you came today."

Katsuki puts on his act again and says, "Tch whatever you damn nerd, just wanted to get out of the damn house." He scowls and puts his hands in his pockets.

Midoriya then looks at me. "Oh, yes, it's my pleasure to be here," I say.

"Well I only have one guest room, so you guys will be rooming together for the weekend," Midoriya says. I can see Bakugo tense up a bit, but he quickly covers it by yelling. "Ugh this damn ice pack!?" Midoriya looks shocked and says, "Yeah sorry Kacchan, but I have an event tomorrow morning, so I'd have to wake up early. I wouldn't want to disturb you guys. My mom is coming with me, but we'll be back at around 1 tomorrow. You guys can stay here while you wait for me, or you could go out. It just came up, but the rest of the time I'll be free."

"It's no problem, right Kat-Bakugo?" I ask. I don't know if he wants Midoriya to know that we've pretty much been at a first-name base. "Tch yeah we'll be fine, Deku!" He yelled. He seemed a bit hesitant about the name 'Deku', but it was hard to notice. Damn he's good at hiding stuff. Not a pro, but pretty darn good. Midoriya just turns around and starts walking up the stairs and into a hallway into what I presume is his room. Me and Katsuki take off our shoes and follow him.

I still have Katsuki's bags, so he offers to take them back by reaching out his arms. When I give them to him, he whispers a quiet 'thank you'. I just nod and follow Midoriya. Katsuki is behind me and we walk into the All Might decorated room. "This is my room, this tour is mostly for Todoroki since he's never been here," he says.

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