Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Katsuki's POV:

Today is the day I meet Shoto's family formally. I mean I met his mom and dad, but it was a while ago and I was so nervous about Mother that I didn't really get to know them. It was also just a car ride, so what can you learn about a person in the length of a 10 minute car ride? My alarm woke me up, but I can't be bothered to get out of bed. Shoto is too comfortable and my butt and back kind of hurts.

Shoto is still dead asleep, he didn't hear the alarm. I don't know whether or not to wake him up yet. I decide how I should wake him up. Maybe some kisses? Yeah, sounds good to me. I move my head up a little bit because he's hugging me tightly into his chest so I'm a little but lower than he is. I start kissing from his collar bone up softly. He stirs a little bit and I bite down. He pulls me closer to him so our bodies are fully pressed up against each other. I continue kissing his neck and I feel his hand go under my, well his, sweater as he starts rubbing my lower back.

I kiss up to his ear and then pull away. I look at him and I see that he's red and his eyes are still closed. "Hm, why'd you stop? I was enjoying that," he says. I laugh. "I'm sure you were, but we have to get ready for school," I say. He groans. "But I don't want to," he whines. "If you don't get up, I'm not giving you kisses or anything else for that matter," I threaten. His eyes shoot open and he starts sitting up. "I'm up, I'm up, hold your horses, you didn't have to go and pull that card," he says. I smile happily and peck his lips. He leaned in for more, but I pulled away. "Hey! That's not fair, I woke up, now give me a kiss," he says.

"Eww, we have bad breath, that's gross. I'll give you a long, nice kiss after we brush our teeth," I say. He sighs. "Okay, I guess, but you said you were, so you better." I nod and get up. "I'm going to my room to get my clothes and change. I'll be back," I say as I leave. He waves and yawns and I close the door behind me. I go to my room and change my pants. I take off the hoodie Sho lent me and right before I put on my school shirt, I remember that I have to put on the scar cream. Shoto put some on my scars last night before we went to bed. I sigh and put on the shirt without buttoning it up. I just hold it closed with my hands. I grab a tie and another blazer before heading back to Shoto's room.

I knock and when he yells, "Come in," I walk inside. I close the door behind me and walk to Shoto's bed. He's looking for an extra shirt so he's walking around without a top on. I'll never get used to that sight. His muscles are so toned and he always looks so hot. His pants are also unbuttoned so his underwear is on display. I can't say that I don't like it. "Wow you look hot," I say. He turns to me and laughs a bit. He finds a shirt and puts it on. He buttons it up and tucks it in before zipping up his pants. He looks over at me. "Why don't you have your shirt buttoned up?"

I point at the cream on the dresser by his bed. "Can you help me with that?" He nods as he grabs the tube of scar cream. "Sure, no problem, but don't forget about that kiss," he says. I laugh and take off my shirt to let him get the back. I turn around for him and he starts putting the cream on every scar. I think he's finished with the back because he stops putting the cream on. He walks around to face me and I stick out my hand for him to give me the cream. "I'll do the front," I tell him. I still don't like them, but I don't despise the scars. I just get a but insecure because of them sometimes.

"Nah ah ah," Shoto says as he shakes his head. "I'll put it on for you," he says. I look at him. What? Why would he want to do that? "I-um why?" He just shrugs. "I don't know, I want to help and I don't want you to be embarrassed every time I help you," Shoto says. I bite my lip a bit, thinking about what he said. "Okay, lets hurry though because I have to take my pill and we haven't made breakfast," I tell him. He smiles widely and nods. He puts the cream on his fingers and starts applying the cream. It's silent the whole time and I see Shoto look at me every once in a while. I don't look at him directly though.

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