Chapter Twenty-One

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Katsuki's POV:

So we're moving into the dorms today and I told mother last night when she got home. She just said, "Whatever you freak." And that was that. Me and Shoto had our rooms next to each other and Kirishima's room was across ours. My room is the one closest to the dead end wall, so Shoto's is closer to the common area. Kirishima got here first and decided to choose that room so that me and Shoto could be 'closer'. When he said that, I felt so embarrassed, I died a little inside. Shoto and Kirishima just laughed at me.

Later, I told Shoto that I decided I was going to tell Kirishima about everything. About the abuse, the thing with the League of Villains, and the self harming. I was nervous, but he said that he'd come with me if I wanted. Of course I said yes. He told me when we first got here today that he was going to help me stop self harming and that before New Year's, we were going to have to tell a Pro. I agreed with him and yeah, so that was this morning.

Shoto helped me move today while Mother was at work. His parents brought their car and I thanked them multiple times. Now though, me and Shoto are both done moving and Kirishima is helping Kaminari. We're in Shoto's room and it's already night. "So how about some cuddles?" I ask. He smiles at me and nods. We're facing each other and we stay there on his bed in his warm blanket. I have my head on his chest and I can hear his heartbeat. He's so great and he smells great too. I sigh happily. "I'm glad you didn't decide to take that 'out' I gave you."

He laughs a bit and says, "I don't ever plan on doing so." I hug him tighter and he does too. As we're both falling asleep, there's a knock on his door. We get up and I stay on his bed while he goes to open it. "Kirishima got bored so he invited us to look at his room. Now we're checking out everyone's room to see who's is the best, and yours is one of the closest so we're starting here," someone says. I can't tell but I think it's Uraraka. "Oh um now is not a good time," Shoto says. I can tell he doesn't know what to do. "Nope too bad, we're checking it out," Kaminari says.

I quickly get up and run into his closet. I peek through the little lines and see the whole class is Shoto's room. When Shoto sees the bed, he sighs in relief. I smile at that. I try not to laugh because this is so funny. "Oh um yeah this is it. So boring right?" He sounds a bit nervous and I can tell no one else noticed and that's because they didn't know that he was hiding anything. "No what about clothes? What kind of clothes do you wear?" Aoyama asked.

He started walking towards the closet so I curl into a ball and put a sweater over me. There's a pile of unfolded clothes around me, so hopefully I blend in. "Oh um no!" Shoto says as he runs to the closet. How'd he know I was hiding in here? Well I could be anywhere, so he could be guessing places I could hide. Everyone looks at him with a shocked face. "Oh um it's a mess and it's embarrassing. I haven't really put all my clothes away." He plays it off really well if I do say so myself. I see a shadow near the closet door and then it opens. I curl into a smaller ball and bold my breath. I just did that because I was nervous.

Aoyama gasps in disgust. "These are so plain and boring! Where do you buy these shirts!? I do not approve." He sighs dramatically and shakes his head. I hear Kirishima stiffle a laugh. Crap did he see me? He probably did. The closet doors close quickly because I'm pretty sure Shoto saw me hiding here. I don't think it's obvious, but if you expected someone to be hiding, then of course you'd spot me right away. I didn't have enough time to hide. "Okay, that's that. So let's go judge some other people!" He sounds really nervous and I can't help but let out a small laugh. "What was that?" Ugh great job Midoriya!

"Oh um that was me, I was thinking about how small T-rex hands are," Kirishima says. Nice save! I make a note to thank him for that later. "Oh, that's a pretty weird thing to think about Kirishima," Mina says. "Oh yeah it is, but Kirishima is a crazy guy, let's get out of my room now," Shoto says, sounding rushed. There's murmurs and then someone says, "Yeah Bakugo's room is next." People agree and then I hear Kirishima speak up. "Oh he's asleep now. He said he was tired of our BS and decided to sleep." A few sigh and say, 'okay I guess.' I hear them all leave and then I hear the closet doors opening. I freeze and then I hear, "Hm pretty close with that laugh don't you think?"

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