Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Katsuki's POV:

It's a week before Christmas and a lot has happened. My mom was found guilty of child abuse and was sentenced 8 years in prison for so many different legal terms that I have no idea about. They've also been working on my paperwork so that Mr. Aizawa can adopt me and the class knows about it, so they're all very excited for me.

Me and Shoto have gotten closer and so have me and Kirishima. The class has also gotten used to how quiet I am now. They always ask me how I'm doing. It's really sweet, but sometimes it can get a bit annoying. Don't get me wrong, I like the fact that they actually care about me, but always being questioned about how I'm feeling by people that I don't really talk to, is weird. I usually only tell Kirishima and Shoto how I'm really feeling. They've been really helpful and supportive.

So right now, I'm hugging Shoto. I woke up from the nap we took and I've been looking at Shoto sleep. I play with his hair. We've kissed a few times here and there, nothing bad, just lips. I kind of want to take it a little bit farther, though heh. I don't mean like sex or anything. I just, you know, wanna make out. Cause like my boyfriend is hot, and I'm comfortable around him. Maybe I should ask him if he wants to make out? Why does that sound so cringe?

Ahhh I don't know. I just want to be a bit more intimate with him. I'm not ready for anything big or steamy like sex, but maybe one day I will be. I really like Shoto and I think I'm falling in love with him. Maybe it's too soon? I've really gotten to know him and we've been spending time together for around 3 months, but we've only been official for around 1. It's too soon to tell, but I have really strong feelings towards him. It's not like I'm dependent on him though. He's taught me that I can do things on my own. Sometimes I'll need help, but in the end, it's me who's controlling my life. I don't need him, but I really do want him around.

I really want him around. I don't know how he feels about me. Like of course I know he likes me, but could he fall in love with me? Ahh this is too much and all I want to do is make out with him. I sigh. It doesn't hurt to take deep breaths anymore or sigh heavily, so that's good. I take a deep breath and as I do so, I take in Shoto's scent. How does he smell so much like apples? Does he like fill a bath with apple scented soap with pieces of apples and soak himself in it so that he obsorbs the apple water? And then after does he put on apple-scented cream followed by apple-scented cologne? I don't know. All I know is that he smells really good.

I hug him tighter and get closer to his chest. I feel his arms tighten around my waist and I tense up. Oh no is he awake? Did he feel me breathe him in and hug him tighter? "I'd love to always wake up like this," I hear him speak. Oops I guess he did. "Oh, did I wake you? Sorry," I say. He shakes his head. "No, well yes, but that's not the point. The point is, you were smelling me you weirdo," He laughs. I hit his back playfully and bury my face in his chest before saying, "It's not my fault you smell so good. Do you shower in apples or something?" He laughs a bit loudly and I laugh at that.

"No I don't. Well, I do have an apple-scented shampoo, but my body wash and everything else is usually ocean-scented or something. Not even my conditioner is apple-scented. It's something like oakwood, I don't even know," he says. I laugh a bit before stopping as I think about how I tell him that I want to make out. Should I even tell him? That would be weird right? Ugh I don't know. All I know is that he's a gentleman and is probably waiting for me to initiate the make out.

"What's wrong Katsuki? Why'd you stop laughing all of a sudden?" I take a deep breath and shake my head in his chest. "It's embarrassing," I say. "Oh come on, just spill it. I'm sure it'll be fine. What did you start your period or something?" He asks, laughing. I laugh hard into his chest and smack his back again. "Oh shut up, no!" He laughs a bit again as he rubs my back soothingly. "It's just that ummmm. I kinda, maybe, sorta, wanna make out... With you," I say, extending the 'with you' part. He suddenly stops rubbing my back and his heart beats faster.

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