Chapter Thirteen

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Katsuki's POV:

So it's Halloween now. Monday wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and her beatings weren't as harsh on Tuesday or Wednesday either.

It's Thursday now, and the people from the sleepover are going to go trick-or-treating together. I decided to match with Shoto and go as a Strawberry. He's going as an apple. He said that we should both be fruits, but when he said that he'd be an apple, I died internally. He remembered that! But then he said, "It's okay, I think you smell like strawberries, so you should go as a strawberry."

I blushed furiously before yelling, "Tch shut up you Ice Pack!" We were in class, so I still had to keep up my act. Me and Shoto actually hung out at lunch on Tuesday and yesterday. It was cool. He didn't ask anything about my problems, thankfully. I think he just wanted to give me a break on the interrogating every time he sees me. We met in the restroom. I wasn't doing anything, I was just sitting on the floor, using my phone. It was pretty cool actually. He just walked in and looked at me. He started a conversation very casually. I didn't expect him to start up a conversation so easily. Sometimes he's a little socially awkward.

The bell is about to ring and I can't wait. Mother actually allowed me to be out of the house, and she also let me go out with Kirishima and the others tomorrow. It's scary that she did, but at least I'll be able to enjoy some days. Even if it's for a little bit. Shoto said that he'd stay by my side all day today while we're out because of the League of Villains. I actually hugged and thanked him, but that was only because the mood then was calm.

He just said it was fine and it was the least he could do since he didn't grab me in the summer camp thing. I could tell he felt really bad, but I told him that it really wasn't his fault because the villains were on another level and no student could have been strong enough to fight them off.

The bell rang, and we all went to the lockers to change. I followed them and went into the restroom closest to the locker room. I couldn't change in front of them. I'm not comfortable with my body. I started criticizing everything about myself when Mother started making fun of my looks and calling me a fatass for eating all the time. I'm almost done when I hear the door to the restroom open. I'm in a stall, so it a little cramped with the costume on. Then they speak up, "Hey Katsuki, are you alright?" Phew it's just Shoto. I finish putting on the costume and head out.

I see my reflection in the mirror and laugh. Shoto looks at me like 'wow you laughed'. I open my eyes wide and say, "Sorry, it's just that I look funny." He then smiles and says, "Don't apologize, I like your laugh. You should do it more often." I blush and then yell, "Tch shut up IcyHot." He has his costume in his hands and then he goes into the stall go change. I make sure that the make-up under my eyes is good. It's then that I see how ridiculous I look in this costume. I can't believe Shoto convinced me to wear this. Only because he wasted his money on it and he couldn't return it.

He comes out and I laugh. He looks just as ridiculous as I do. He sees his reflection and starts laughing too. We're laughing so hard, we start crying. After a while we stop, and then we realize how funny we look again and start laughing again. Then after about another minute, we stop. We're still smiling, though, and so I speak up this time. "You should laugh more often." He's shocked and turns red. "It's not as beautiful as yours." Ahhh he actually said that. To. Me!!!!! I'm red. I turn around and face the mirror. I can see him smirk in the mirror. I put my hands on the sink and then I realize that my scars are out in the open.

I gasp and grab my bag before running into the stall. Shoto just looks at me. I have the scar make-up in my bag, so I take it out and start applying it to the scars. "Hey Katsuki are okay?" "Um yeah, Shoto, just forgot to do something." He just walks towards the door and I see his feet at the door. As soon as I'm satisfied with how my wrist looks, I put away the make-up and walk out. I only cut on one arm because both would be too much of a hassle. "What happened Katsuki?" I look at him and then say, "I just forgot to zip up the shirt inside the strawberry." That was a quick lie, and it sounded real, so why did he still seem hesitant?

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