Chapter Twenty-Four

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Katsuki's POV:

So it's been about three weeks since Shoto and I's last date. Things have been going great. Okay so I've had breakdowns once or twice, but I'm feeling much better. The fact that I don't see Mother as much anymore really helps. Also, I can be less mean and aggressive around Kirishima. Sometimes I need a break from acting like I'm okay. Also Mr. Aizawa has been keeping an eye on me. He asked me if I was alright a few times after class, but I just told him that I would tell him about everything soon. He just nodded and let me be.

I also told Kirishima about Shoto officially asking me out and he was so excited for me. Kaminari has also been hanging out with Shinso more and we're always teasing him about it. He gets all flustered and that makes us tease him even more. We've decided to tell Mr. Aizawa first before the Christmas and New Year's break. Then after we tell him, we're going to see what he does and if we should tell the other pros too. It makes me really nervous, but Shoto keeps telling me that I'm being super brave by allowing people to know. It's so embarrassing though. I don't want people to know all of that about me. It's way too personal.

Well it's currently Friday, which is two weeks away from the Christmas break. That means I have to tell more people in less than two weeks. I also have to go home today. Mother said she wanted me home today and not tomorrow. She probably wants to beat me a lot this weekend. I told Shoto and he got so mad, but I told him that it would be alright and that soon enough, this wouldn't be happening to me anymore. He wants to tell the pros now, but he promised he would give me time. I'm still processing how the pros will take it. Mr. Aizawa seems very protective and I'm sure he'd have my back, but sometimes the pros can be a bit much.

We're training again. We're doing an obstacle course and right now, I have the 2nd fastest time. I pretended to act mad at the place I got, but in reality, I was freaking happy. I didn't think I would do that great. Izuku has the highest score right now and I'm super proud of him because he's improved so much. I had to keep my act up though and pretend like I despised him for beating me. There are only 3 more people that have to go. It's Shoto, Yaoyorozu, and Sato. Kirishima took 22 seconds more than I did. Right now, Shoto is doing great. He started off great and he's kept up a very fast pace throughout the whole course.

The other two are pretty far behind him and he only needs the last part of the obstacle course to complete it. He's almost there and he needs 6 seconds to beat Izuku's record and 14 to beat mine. He quickens up his pace and then passes the line, quickly pressing the button. His time was 6:27! Izuku's was 6:31 and mine was 6:39! He only took 2 seconds for the end. Wow, he's amazing. They both are, but I was really rooting for Shoto. Hehe.

I pretend to get pissed off at the fact that he beat my time too, but in reality I'm super proud of him. He walks up to where the rest of us are and he stands right next to me in the front to see the last two. They're doing pretty good and they'll definitely beat some people's records. "Tch, what are you doing IcyHot!? Can't you see I'm standing here!?" He just chuckles dryly and shakes his head. "Whatever, you're just mad that I beat your record, but whatever I'll go over there," he retorts. We had also been practicing how to still seem like we hated each other. Kirishima helped and then he also asked us what happened with the bubbles that time we were late.

I told him what actually happened and he laughed. He even told me that he'd kill Shoto himself if he did anything to hurt me. I really appreciate what he said and I think about it a lot. Not because I think Shoto will hurt me, but because I know that Kirishima will have my back if anything does happen. I don't know, I'm just at a really good place right now. It's not the best, but it's better than where I was at before. Shoto and Kirishima have really committed into helping me. They check my wrists and ask me if I've cut constantly. I really haven't because if I cut and then they see the fresh cuts, it would be so embarrassing for me. I don't know, just the fact that they already know is embarrassing. If they see fresh cuts, it would be even more embarrassing.

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