Chapter Thirty-Two

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Katsuki's POV:

It's been a few days and I'm still in the hospital. I don't know why. I'm fine, well physically. The doctors said something about wanting to make sure the scar tissue is healthy. Mr. Aizawa told me that if I wanted, that he could set up some counseling sessions. I told him that I'd do it, but in some time. Maybe like a week. I just want to tell Shoto first because I trust him to know. I want to talk to him first.

Right now, we're playing Scrabble and somehow gotten closer than before. Mina and the others have visited me a couple of times. They've been really nice and stuff. I forget about everything when I'm with everyone. Especially Shoto. All I think about is how he loves me. How he wants to spend time with me because he actually cares about me. I still hate looking at the scars and the doctors said I had to apply a special cream to them so that they stay healthy. I'm feeling okay. I still think about what happened a lot and I get nightmares about them taking me again. Shoto was allowed to stay in the hospital over night, and, so he's been staying with me. I told him that I'd be okay on my own, but he called my bluff and insisted that he stay with me.

He's a really great boyfriend and I can't believe I was lucky enough to get someone like him. I don't even know what I did to make him like me, but I'm glad he can see past all my flaws. I've gone through a lot these past few days. Shoto said that if I wanted, I could wait before I told him anything about what happened. He's beating me in Scrabble and I think he's cheating.

"Hey! How is that 42 points!? You're a cheater!" He looks at me and tries to hold back a laugh. His mouth twitches up into a smile and he breaks. "It's just that you suck at this game," he says, in between laughs. I pout and put the word 'however' with the word that he had put before which was 'ever' so I just put 'how' that only got me 13 points. I gasp. "No! This is BS I call BS you're a cheater!" He squints his eyes at me. "How could you say that? I'm hurt." Then he pretends to be hurt and hides his face in his hands. I sigh and push the table away. I'm on the bed and he's sitting in the chair right next to it.

"Aw come on. I was kidding. But this isn't fair! You should be the one feeling bad for me since I'm losing," I tell him. He starts laughing, loudly. This makes me smile a bit and then I start laughing. "You're losing by 134 points! That's absolutely horrible," he says. I get on the bed and move a bit so that he can get in with me. He smiles and then gets up. He gets in with me and hugs me. "I'm tired," I say. "Okay then let's take a nap. I'll be here too," Shoto says. I nod in agreement and then say, "Okay, we'll talk when we wake up." He looks at me, shocked and nods. We cuddle up and hug each other tight. It's like 2 in the afternoon, but the doctors said I should get more sleep.

They noticed that I had been sleep deprived. The doctor also said that this traumatic event could make me miss out on sleep, so that I should sleep whenever I'm actually tired and able to. Shoto said he'd help me with that since he knows about my nightmares. Shoto takes in a deep breath and sighs happily. "I'm so happy that you're back. I have something to give you when we wake up," he says. I smile into his chest and sigh too. Our legs are tangled together.


Shoto's POV:

It's been about 3 hours and I just woke up. I've been waiting to give Katsuki his Christmas present and when he wakes up, I'm going to give it to him. I'm sure he'll love it. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees his present. He's probably still sad about missing the date. I'll ask him if he still wants to take me out. I'm pretty sure it'll be a yes, but we'll head out together. I'll go to his house or maybe Mr. Aizawa can drop him off at mine and we'll start our date. I'm almost getting my license and since I'm 17, I'll only have to wait a few months until I'm able to drive alone and I can take Katsuki anywhere. Right now I only have my permit.

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