Chapter Thirty-One

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Katsuki's POV:

I wake up to a sharp pain on my chest. I wake up gasping. I feel a pain in my arms and when I look up, I see that they're still cuffed and everything comes rushing back to me. I start crying and then another sharp pain hits me. I look down and see that it's Shigaraki. I cry harder and he smiles. "Oh so you're awake. I'm glad. You passed out while we were having fun, but don't worry I finished anyways," he says. I feel like everything is wrong.

He has a knife in his hands and cuts my chest deeply. I open my mouth to scream out in pain but nothing comes out. I just gasp as he cuts again and again. He cuts all around my chest as I just cry silently. I still don't have any clothes on and I'm still so ashamed. He soon runs out of space to cut on my chest and I've lost so much blood. He smiles at me and says, "Oh these cuts are so pretty, don't you think? I made them so that even your sweet Recovery Girl wouldn't be able to heal them. They'll be on your skin for the rest of your life." I let out a chocked sob and my whole body wracks with it.

It hurts so I wince and he laughs. He uncuffs me and I don't have any strength to move at all. I feel so dizzy and I look down at my chest to see blood all over my torso. The cuts are deep and scattered everywhere and some overlap each other. The pain is so excruciating and I just want to pass out. My wrists also hurt from where I was pulling on the cuffs. There's dry blood running down my arms. I grab my wrists and he pulls my hands. I groan in pain. "Agghh. I-I ca-an't brea-athe anymore," I breathe out. He's about to cut somewhere that would be more noticeable like my shoulders and arms when he stops suddenly. "Hm, should I cut here?" I shake my head quickly. I don't want people to be able to see the scars besides the ones that I've already made.

My crying and labored breathing sound so loud and my ears are ringing. I feel like everything is so much louder. He gets up and flips me around. My cuts are pressed down to the mattress and I scream out in pain. My breathing is mostly gasps for air and he starts cutting my back. There's blood everywhere. How have I not passed out from this yet? Please let me pass out. Or just end this all right now. Just please. I can't take this anymore. Let me die. I'm sorry for everything I've done, but right now, I just want this all to end.

There's a quick knock on the door and Shigaraki groans in annoyance. I sigh and stay still. I'm scared to move. It hurts so much. Shigaraki opens the door and it's that guy with the weird black and gray body suit. I think his name is Bubaigawara or something. "Um there are heroes attacking. You have to go now. They're asking for the Bakugo kid. They're really pissed and there are even two students here to fight," he says frantically. Shigaraki grunts and turns to me. "You! You piece of trash! You're nothing. They're only here for you to get publicity. They don't really care for you. You're a freak and you'll have scars on you for the rest of your life. Do you really believe that they like you? That they actually want to save you? If you do, you're delusional!"

He had crawled on top of me and flipped me around. "When they come in, they'll see who you belong to and just how weak you really are. You're disgusting. You whore," he spat. I winced at everything he said. He's right though. I am disgusting. They don't really care for me. Why would they? I've been nothing but terrible to them ever since I met them. There's no way that any of them like me. He smiles as he sees me. I think my face told him that he was completely right and that I had given up. There's no point. But I don't want them to see me like this either way.

I heard crashing and screaming in the distance. There were a lot of bangs and the other guy had run back to join the fight. The door was closed and Shigaraki took off his pants again. I squirmed and tried to take him off me. "No! You stay still," he said as he put the cuffs back on me. I was still bleeding a lot and my vision was getting blurrier. I felt like I was going to pass out any minute. I tried to fight him off, but I was too weak. I felt like the room was spinning as Shigaraki took off his underwear. The screaming got closer and it sounded like Kirishima.

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