Chapter Twenty-Three

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Katsuki's POV:

I wake up in Shoto's arms. We're in his room and everything that happened before I went to sleep rushes back to me. I had a breakdown, again. He helped me and he's also going to help me tell Kirishima. I turn around and see Shoto asleep. He's breathing softly and it's so adorable. I reach to the side of the bed to get my phone. I grab it and snap some quick photos. His head is a little backwards and some of his forehead is exposed. Aaahhh it's so cute! Okay okay, that's enough fangirling.

I put my phone down and scoot closer to Shoto. He moves a bit, but he doesn't wake up. I grab my phone again to check the time and see that it's already 4. I have to tell Kirishima when he gets back. I'll take him to my room and then me and Shoto will tell him everything there. I'll just let Shoto sleep a little longer while I wait for Kirishima to get out. I should text him. I open up his contact and text him.

Me- Hey Kirishima. After school, meet me and Shoto in his room. We have to talk about something serious, okay?

It takes him a few minutes to respond since he was in class. I'm sure the school bell rang already, so he finally replied to my message.

Kirishima- Okay, I'm out of school but I won't head there for a few minutes. I'll text you when I do.

I reply with a quick 'okay' and then put my phone down. I should probably wake Shoto up now. He looks so cute though! Ugh. No, I'll wake him up when Kirishima tells me when he's headed over here. Yeah, that's a good idea.

About 15 minutes go by before Kirishima texts me that he's headed to the dorms. I turn around and see Shoto still asleep. I feel bad because I probably made him so tired. He's probably been worried for me even though he shouldn't be. How can someone like him care about someone like me so much? He's just that amazing. Okay, I can't think about how worthless I am right now. If I do, I'll probably have another break down. And that would be soooo much fun.

I shake Shoto a little bit. I whisper, "Hey Shoto, wake up. We have to tell Kirishima when he gets here and he's almost here." He moves a little bit before opening his eyes slowly. When his eyes meet mine he smiles tiredly. I smile back. "Come on get up, I still have to redo my make-up and he's almost here." Crap. My make-up is still in my bag and Mr. Aizawa said he'd bring it. Where is it? Maybe he left it outside the room? I get up and go to the door to check it.

When I open it, I see both our bags on the floor with a note. 'I just hope you're okay.' I smile at what it says. Mr. Aizawa really cares for his students. He's a great teacher and the whole class loves him. I take the bags inside. Shoto is on the bed, looking at me. I grab the make-up and start applying it. Once I'm done, I look over at Shoto for approval and he just gives a thumbs up and smiles. I smile back and put the make-up away. "Are you really tired?" I ask, sounding concerned.

"No, well yes, but only because I just woke up. I won't fall asleep later on in the day because of it though," he replies. I nod at his answer and say, "Oh okay. That's good." I don't want to ask him if I'm the reason he's so tired, so I grab my phone. I see that Kirishima texted me.

Kirishima- Hey I'm at the dorms now. I'm headed up to his room.

Me- Okay. Just knock when you get here.

Kirishima- Okay

I look over at Shoto and say, "Okay he's at the dorms already. I told him to meet us in here." He nods and I grab my phone anxiously. Shoto is sitting on his bed and it's pretty big, so all three of us can fit on it. After I put my bag by his closet, there's a knock on the door. I sigh nervously and look at Shoto. He gives a nod and I go to open the door. When I open it, I see Kirishima standing there. He's looking at me with a worried look on his face. "Hi," I say quietly. I bet that freaked him out even more. Crap. I should've just tried to act like my old self. "What's wrong?" He asks. "I'll tell you right now. Come in," I say.

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