Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Shoto's POV:

Me and Shoto went to the main campus earlier than usual to ask Mr. Aizawa if Katsuki could sit in the back with me. We told him the situation and he agreed to move him back there for the rest of the year. After we left the teacher's lounge, we walked to class and that's where we are right now. There's like 30 minutes until class starts and Katsuki turns to me.

"Hey um you can sleep for a while, I'll wake you up before the bell rings so it doesn't startle you," he says. I smile at him and nod. He hands me his backpack to use as a pillow and I gladly take it. "Thank you," I say. He just smiles. I put my head down on my arms and face Katsuki before closing my eyes to sleep.

I wake up to Katsuki shaking me a while later. "Shoto, hey wake up. It's a few minutes till the bell," he says. I look at him and yawn as I stretch out my arms. I sigh as I put my head back down. "How are you doing Katsuki? Has the pill worked yet?" He shrugs. "Um, I'm not as anxious as I thought I'd be, but I'm still pretty anxious. I dreaded the thought of seeing everyone after yesterday because of my breakdown in the elevator, but I'm not that anxious. So, I guess yeah they are," he says, kind of happily. "Oh that's good. It's alright to be nervous since you didn't want anyone seeing you in that state. It's alright, okay?" He nods and then someone walks into the room.

Katsuki looks up at the person quickly and I look at who came in too. It was Kaminari. Crap. Kaminari was the one who made eye-contact with me during the whole elevator incident. He looked so sad when he saw us yesterday, but when he walked in, he came up to us with all smiles. "Aww you guys are napping together," he says. Katsuki looks at him confused. I do too before I realize that Kaminari just wants Katsuki to feel normal. He doesn't want to bring up something that made Katsuki feel weak and vulnerable. Katsuki takes the chance to pretend that it never happened. "I wasn't napping, he was," Katsuki says.

Kaminari just sighs, "Oh well, whatever. That's not the point, the point is you two are cute together." Katsuki smiles and then looks at me. I'm already smiling at Kaminari's comment. Katsuki smiles a bit more and then turns back to Kaminari. They start talking about the classwork. I'm just so glad Kaminari didn't make a big deal about yesterday, it made Katsuki feel so much better. You could tell by the way he carelessly talked to Kaminari.

Some more people kept walking in and every time someone did, Katsuki would look up to see who it was cautiously. He was so nervous about anyone else asking him about yesterday. It's a really big deal for him. He had never wanted anyone to see him the way that he was yesterday. I felt so heartbroken when he broke down and I couldn't do anything to help him. He just cried and cried until he fell asleep and as soon as he woke up, he started crying again. I couldn't take all of it, so I started crying. I absolutely hate seeing him so sad.

Soon the bell rings and Kaminari goes to sit down at his desk. Everyone notices that Katsuki is not at his usual seat and they keep looking back. I just hold his hand under the desk and give it a squeeze. He squeezes it back and Mr. Aizawa speaks up about it. "Okay so I made a small seat change so now everyone is going to be in partners. If you don't like it, too bad," he says. He starts calling out the new groups and people set up their desks. Katsuki sighs in relief and I look over to him. "It's all good Katsuki, just don't worry about it. Okay?" He nods and smiles at me. Aizawa starts talking about math and stuff so we start taking notes.

After a long time, the bell rings for lunch. "Hey Katsuki, you want to eat lunch at the cafeteria today?" We sometimes eat in the cafeteria when we don't make food for lunch. He nods and says, "Yeah that sounds good to me." I nod and take his hand. We walk to the restrooms and when no one is around anymore, I take him to the water fountain. I hand him a pill from the pill bottle and he takes it and then drinks some water from the fountain. He grabs my hand before walking towards the cafeteria. "I think the pills are working. Throughout the class, they made me feel anxious but only because of the fact that I had taken them. So, the fact that I didn't feel anxious the entire block, means that they work right?" I think about his question and the information he gave me.

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