Chapter Thirty-Five

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Katsuki's POV:

I nod at his question. "Yes I'm sure. I've been thinking about it for a while and I'm ready. I'm sure," I tell him. "It's only been about a week since you were released from the hospital. Are you sure this is what you want?" I nod before saying, "Yes."

He nods and goes to lock the door. He comes back and turns off the music. He walks towards me and nods. "Okay, but we need a condom and lube," I say. He smiles nervously. "I, um, bought some already. It was just in case this happened, you know?" I smile. "Yeah, okay that's good." "This is our first time making love. Let's do this at your pace okay?" I nod and he smiles. "Okay sit on the bed. I'll get the stuff," he tells me. I do what he says and watch as he gets the condom and lube. When he reaches for the top of the closet, I see his back muscles flex. Wow that's hot.

He turns around and comes towards me. "Okay," he says nervously. I get up and kiss him. He's taken aback but quickly starts kissing back. I open my mouth for him and his tongue roams my mouth. It's rough and hot. I walk backwards and my feet hit the bed. Without breaking contact, Shoto puts me down on the bed. He's on top of me and I feel his abs pressing against my chest. We pull away to breathe and I go to kiss his neck and collar bone. He sighs happily and his breathing gets heavier. "You're so beautiful Katsuki," he breathes out. That does it. I flip us so now I'm on top of him. My hands roam his torso.

"Shoto you're so hot," I tell him. He moans and it goes straight to my dick. I feel myself get harder. I'm straddling his hips and I'm leaving marks down his body. "I wanted to do this when you cornered me in the restroom today. That drove me crazy," I say. He flips us around and pulls at the hem of my hoodie. I lift up my arms and he takes it off. He looks at my torso and breathes erratically. My scars make me a bit nervous. I guess he senses that because his hands start roaming my chest. He leans down and kisses my neck. His kissed trail down to my chest and his kisses most of my scars. If he kissed all of then it would take too long.

"You're so beautiful Katsuki," he says. He starts marking my body and everything feels surreal. He mouths towards my pants. He looks at me and I nod. He starts pulling them down. I kick off my shoes as he takes my pants off. Then he gets up and takes his off slowly. It drives me crazy and I groan. He smirks a bit and I know what he was doing. I raise my eyebrows at him and then he takes off his underwear. I take mine off too and he walks towards me. I pull him to me and he stops himself from tumbling on top of me by putting his hands out so they're next to my head. I smile and he smiles back warmly. He leans down to kiss me and in doing so his member pressed against mine.

We both shudder as we continue making out. Still holding himself up with one hand, the other travels down to my dick and grabs it. I moan and he starts moving his hand up and down. He rubs over the tip every time his hand comes up and it makes me feel weak. I grab his and start doing the same. An unexpected moan leaves his mouth and he lets his head drop on the bed, next to my head and half on top of my shoulder. He bites down on my shoulder and another moan escapes my mouth. I feel my stomach get tighter and I start moaning uncontrollably. The hottest guy on campus is fucking stroking my dick and it's so hard not to cum on the spot.

I start shaking, but I continue stroking him. "Okay, okay I'm gonna..." I don't get to finish because he pulls away. I stop and he gets up. "I'm gonna open you up, okay? I don't know but it might feel weird," he says. I'm still panting, but I nod. "Okay." He grabs the lube and puts some on a finger. He gets close to my legs and looks at me. "It's okay," I say and open my legs for him. He nods and puts a finger in slowly. I feel it enter and it's weird. I squirm and he pushes it further in. He moves in and out slowly. I get used to the feeling and then I say, "Okay it's alright now." He nods and takes his finger out. He puts lube on two now and enters slowly. I feel stretched out and it stings a bit, but not enough for us to stop.

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