Chapter Twenty-Five

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Katsuki's POV:

About 30 minutes into our nap, Shoto's alarm rang. I guess the foods almost here. He gets up and I do the same, but with Shoto's help. I groan as I put my legs in a criss cross position. Shoto just watches. He walks around my room and he looks at my desk next to my closet.

It has a little drawer built in it and he goes to open it. "Hm what's in here? Can I see?" I open my mouth to yell at him to not look in there, but he hadn't even tried to do that yet. He just put his hand on the handle and waited for my answer. "I-um, no," I say nervously. I have some of my razors in there and also some photos of me and my parents together and happy before I came out to them. "Oh, okay. Wait, is there anything in here that you can use to harm yourself with? If there is, I need whatever it is Katsuki. Please, I won't get them myself, but I would appreciate if you gave them to me," he said sadly.

I nod. "Um yeah there are some razors in there. Also some personal things, so I'll get the razors for you," I say as I struggle to get off the bed. I get off and limp my way to the desk. I open it and Shoto looks away. I take out my small box and take out the 3 razors I had in there. I give them to him and he nods. "I'm gonna keep them in my phone case and get rid of them later, okay?" I nod at what he says but I don't look at him. I hate this. Then we hear a knock downstairs and I tense up. "Hey, it's okay. It's just the delivery guy. I'll go get the food," he says softly and leaves my room.

I slowly make my way back to my bed and by the time I get comfortable and have my legs criss-cross again, he's in my room with the Chinese food. "Hm it's still warm," he says. I force myself to look him in the eye and smile. It falters a bit, and I know he noticed. "Katsuki. Don't feel bad okay? You decided to give them to me and that's a good thing. Don't be ashamed or embarrassed by that." I shake my head and get off the bed to stand with him. "The thing that's embarrassing is that I had them in the first place. It's embarrassing to be caught or telling someone that you do or have done these things. It's the most humiliating thing in the world and I-"

He hugs me. He had put the food down and was now holding me. We're both still standing. His breath is hitting my neck and my arms are around his waist. "What was that for?" I ask. He sighs and says, "For being brave. You're amazing." I hug him tighter and then we decide to eat.

He passed me a box and I eat some. It's jalapenos and beef. It tastes really good. "Mmm wow. I haven't had Chinese food in a while," I say. He looks at me and smiles, but he has his mouth full, so I laugh. "Oh my god, you're so weird!" I yell at him, half laughing. He continues eating and I take some of the broccoli. When I'm done chewing, I go to grab another one, but Shoto gets it first and then holds it up for me to eat. I squint at him and go in for the bite. Before I get to, he pulls it away and eats it. He smirks and puts more food in his mouth.

"Hey! That's mean!" He laughs and I try my best not to laugh, but a smile creeps up and I break. I start laughing and then he holds up another broccoli. I go to eat it again and this time he let's me eat it. I smile happily and he just shakes his head. "And you say I'm the weird one," he whispers, but loud enough for me to hear. I gasp and put my hand over my heart. "How dare you say such terrible things to me! I am truly hurt," I say dramatically. He laughs and puts the box he had in his hands down. He crawls over to me and the smile I had on my face is gone. "Well then will another kiss make up for it?"

I swear I stopped breathing for a second. I nod and he leans in to kiss me. I lean in too and we kiss for the second time that day. I could really get used to it. It doesn't last long before he goes back to sit down kind of suddenly. I sigh happily because Shoto kissed me AGAIN!! OH MY GOSH! AM I DEAD!? AM I IN HEAVEN!? Yup I'm dead. I turn to see Shoto's face and he has a small blush on his face. I'm sure I'm blushing too.

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