Chapter Twenty-Six

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Katsuki's POV:

The rest of the weekend passed by as slowly as it possibly could and now I'm in my dorm room before schoo. My chest hurts when I breathe and I have many bruises everywhere. My forehead is wrapped in gauze and it did get people's attention, but luckily no one from class has seen it yet. I texted Shoto to see when we should tell Mr. Aizawa and he told me before class, so I'm currently waiting for him in my room. Kirishima is also coming with us because I asked him to be there.

He was happy that I wanted him there. Well, as happy as you could be when your friend is telling another person how fucked up his life was. He felt happy that I trusted him to be there with me when I told Mr. Aizawa. As if he was proud to be one of the people that I genuinely trusted.

After a few minutes, I heard a knock on my door, so I grabbed my backpack and phone before walking to the door to open it. They were both there and when they saw me, they both gave me a sad smile. "Oh my, Katsuki is your head okay?" I nod at Shoto. "Um yeah, it doesn't hurt as much anymore, but it still hurts quite a bit," I reply. Kirishima looks as if though he's trying not to cry. "I'm so sorry Bakugo, I didn't know it was this bad," Kirishima says sadly. I shake my head, "No it's alright. It'll all be over soon, hopefully."

I walk, well limp, towards the elevator and I try not to, but the pain in my shin is still unbearable. The more I try not to limp, the more pain I'm in. They're in front of me since I was walking so slowly. We get in the elevator and I stand behind them. I try not to groan as I turn around to face the door of the elevator. I'm really nervous. What would Mr. Aizawa do? Would he call the police? Child services? Who would take me in? I'm 16 so not a lot of people would want me. I'm also known to be loud and obnoxious. I let out a shaky breath and both Kirishima and Shoto turn around quickly. "Hey, bro are you okay? I promise it'll be fine," Kirishima says.

I nod but I'm still really nervous. "Katsuki, he's right. We'll make sure that the right steps are taken and that you don't have to go back to your mother. Mr. Aizawa will also make sure you're in good hands. You know how he feels towards his students," Shoto says. I nod. And we walk out of the elevator,towards the school. "Yeah, he's right. Mr. Aizawa would probably adopt you if he had the option. Maybe he does. Maybe he will adopt you. But no matter what happens, he'll make sure that you go somewhere safe," Kirishima says, backing up Shoto. I feel better now.

I let out a sort of relieved sigh. We all walk to the school slowly because if I walk any faster, I think my leg will fall off. "Do you want us to carry you or something," Kirishima asks. Hell yeah. Please do that. I'm dying here. I shake my head. "Um, no I'll be fine," I strain out. It hurts so much, but can do it. "Come on, I'll carry you. It's no problem, I've carried you before at the sports festival, please. I want to help somehow. All I've done is listen to your problems, let me help," Kirishima says sadly. I stop and nod. Kirishima smiles at me and crouches down so that I can get on his back. I get on and watch as Shoto smiles at me and Kirishima.

They start walking and I rest my chin on Kirishima's shoulders. "Thank you," I say. "I just wanted to help. I know you could've walked on your own. It would've hurt like hell, but you would've done it because you don't like asking for help. That's how I know you're strong Bakubro. You're one of the manliest men I know," he says, with a smile on his face. "Still. Thank you," I tell him.

After a while, we're finally at the doors of the teacher's lounge. We'll get Mr. Aizawa out here and tell him. "Okay I'm putting you down now. Todoroki will call Mr. Aizawa out and then you'll start off by telling him how you told me," Kirishima says. I nod and then he sets me down as Shoto knocks on the door. We hear a quiet, "Come in," and then Shoto opens it. He scans the room before spotting our teacher and calls him over. He gets a worried look on his face and gets up. He closes the door behind him and the three of us are facing him.

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