Chapter Twenty-Two

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Katsuki's POV:

I wake up in my own dorm. I sigh because yesterday Shoto was out with his dad after school so we couldn't hang out. But today is our date and I'm so excited. I jump out of bed and I smile at the thought that this week had only two beatings on Saturday and Sunday. This is how it's going to be for the rest of my high school year. I'll only get at most two beatings from mother since I'm in the dorms now. I won't be as sore when we train on Fridays since they'll happen on the opposite side of the week. That means 6 days to recover.

I look at the time and see that it's 7:36. I showered last night after everyone fell asleep so that I wouldn't have to worry about anyone seeing me without the make-up under my eyes in the morning at the showers. I can just put it on before I go outside my room. Maybe I can text Shoto to see if he's awake so we can hang out before school. Hm, maybe he just wants a little space for now. I mean we don't always have to be with each other. It would be healthy if we spent sometime apart. I also don't want to seem too clingy.

I just put on the scar make-up and then I put on my school shirt. I'll leave the blazer for later. I put on the under eye make-up and grab my stuff and put on my blazer then I head to the 1st floor. I have time and maybe I can make Shoto some food. I can't make much, but maybe some bacon and egg will be fine. He's always doing stuff for me, I can do things for him too. I'll make some for Kirishima and the others too. It's not hard, I've done it before. Maybe they'll enjoy it. I check my phone as I'm in the elevator and see that I got a text from Shoto. It says, 'good morning Katsuki.' I smile at it. It's not much, but it's more than I've gotten in a long time.

When I had my breakdown the other day, Shoto was there for me. He just held me as I cried and I really appreciate him for that. I don't think there is really any way for me to repay him for that. I'll try my hardest to, though. I've saved up almost $100. I've collected cans. LOTS of cans. I would usually go at night since I didn't want anyone to see me, but I didn't do that for long since I got anxiety thinking about Shigaraki taking me again. Anyways, I've been saving up to take him on a date. I know our second date will be today, but I want to take him out sometime in December. I don't know where, just somewhere.

I'll find out his favorite place to go and maybe take him there. I'm in the kitchen now and Kaminari is in the common room with that purple-haired guy from the general studies class. He's freaking cool. But you didn't hear that from me. Kaminari looks nervous but then, I think his name is Shinso, made him laugh. He looks really happy. Hm, does he have a crush on him? That's cute. I'll make note to tease him about it later. Wait. If he likes guys, then maybe he won't judge me for liking them too. I don't know, I want to come out with Shoto, but I don't know. I'm too anxious and just thinking about it makes me more anxious. I should just focus on making food.

I grab the eggs, bacon, and butter from the fridge. I grab the pan and a large spoon and turn on the stove as I put on the pan. I put bacon on that one and then I grab another pan and turn it on. After making half of the bacon, I grab some butter and place it on the other pan. I quickly make a group chat with Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima. I text them that I'm making breakfast and that they should get down here now. Kaminari is still with Shinso, but I know he saw the message because he looked at me and motioned to Shinso asking if there's enough for him. I smirk at him and he turns around embarrassed. When he turns back I nod and he nods back.

Then I finish with the food and they come down together in the elevator. I serve them and give them their plates. Kaminari walks towards us with Shinso and they all sit on the counter. There's two spaces left and so then I serve myself. I quickly text Shoto without anyone noticing and not even 5 minutes later, he comes down. I tell to him, "Tch Half'n'Half there's extra. You want the rest?" I try to sound angry and upset and it works. He looks at me with his regular bored look and nods. The only two seats that are left are right next to each other. I sit next to Kirishima and Shoto grabs a plate and serves himself what's left since there isn't a lot and then sits next to me.

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