Chapter Thirty-Six

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Shoto's POV:

I wake up to Katsuki next to me. I'm at the edge of the bed, but I'm fine as long as I'm not half falling off. It's my birthday and it's been a few days since we made love. It was amazing. He trusted me enough to let himself be vulnerable like that. It was beautiful and he just... Well he was just himself and I love when he allows himself to be open about his feelings. He doesn't have his shirt on which makes my heart flutter because he is comfortable with letting me see his scars and I know that he's very self conscious about them. After we made love, I made sure to kiss every single one. He was so taken aback, but he deserved to know that they were a part of him and that I didn't see him any different now that he had them.

He shifts a bit so now his chest is up and I see all the marks I left him. We covered them up for class and no one knows about them. Kirishima only knows about the one on my neck but I covered all of mine too and told him not to tell anyone about the one he saw. He was very chill about it. He's so laid back.

I start playing with Katsuki's hair. It's so soft and pretty. I look down at his face and look at how soft his features are. He's so calm and he looks safe. He used to be paranoid most of the time and his features, even when he was asleep, screamed fear and sadness. It always made my heart clench achingly. I stroke the side of his face softly. I take in all of him. A piece of his hair is hanging over his face and I carefully move it out of the way. I pull him closer to me and put my head on the top of his. He stirs a bit and I hear his breathing change. He groans a bit and hugs me tighter. "I'll never ever get tired of waking up like this. Happy Birthday," he says happily.

He's been better than before but he's still nervous about the therapy session but I told him that I'd be outside waiting the whole time. That calmed him down a bit at that moment. "Thank you Katsuki," I tell him. He pulls away and looks at me with a smile on his face. "You want to go out on a date with me today?" I look at him and pretend to think about his question. "Hmm," I say running my chin thoughtfully. He gasps and pushes my shoulder. I feel myself start falling from the bed, and my eyes widen. My arm is under him, wrapped around him. I'm falling and I accidentally take him down with me.

He squeals as we fall and falls on top of me with a thud. I groan out and then start laughing. As I laugh, he moves with my chest since he's on top of me. He starts laughing too and lays his head on my chest, right over my heart. Our laughing dies down and I love this feeling right here. The feeling of both of us being together, alone. Just both of us enjoying each other's company. "I love you," I breathe out. I feel him smile into my chest. "Really?" I laugh. "Of course I do. I love you more than I ever thought I'd ever be able to love anyone," I tell him. He hugs me. I feel my abdomen get wet. He sniffles and I lift my upper body up.

"What's wrong? Did I say something?" He sits up and shakes his head. He wipes his eyes, getting rid of the tears. "No, I'm sorry. It just hit me that you really do love me. You aren't lying. This isn't a dream and the guy that I'm in love with, loves me back," he says with a smile. I wipe away a tear that's threatening to spill and look at him. I pull him in for a quick peck on the lips. "No this isn't a dream. I really, really do love you," I say. He nods and stands up. He sticks out his hand for me to grab. "Okay let's go brush our teeth and get ready for today," he says. I nod and take him hand.


Shoto's POV;

We're all showered up and sitting on my bed. We finished the Umbrella Academy and we're watching Atypical now. We're still at the beginning of the first season but we're really invested already. We've been cuddled up all day after eating breakfast. We're going out later on today. We're leaving at 6 so we still have about an hour. Katsuki was telling me how he was happy when he was with me earlier after we showered. He makes me just as happy. I never thought I'd end up with him, but I always kind of wanted to. I liked Katsuki, but he was hard to get to know before, but now I know more than anyone else. I am the one he trusts with everything and I have no idea how I was able to be that lucky.

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