Chapter 1

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Ja'Layah ✨ " Jayda"

" Jayda come on you can come to this house party  your only five months pregnant and plus we can leave as soon as you want too " My bestfriend Melody said  as I rolled my eyes .  She knew I hated social events or even simple parties because of what happened to my baby's father he was shot and killed at a party just a couple weeks before I found out I was pregnant . He died while in my arms before telling me how much he loved me , and that it was okay to find someone else . I cried for a whole week I couldn't even get our bed , until I started getting sick and I started having a big appetite I finally built up the courage to go to the hospital and I found out that I was a couple weeks pregnant . To say I was shocked was an understatement, but with the help of my mom and my bestfriend I've been doing the best I could of keep my baby healthy .

" Melody you know how ive felt about that since what happened to Chris " I said . My mind went back to that night I could still see him coughing up blood and my hands and clothes just soaked with his blood . I could still hear how raspy his voice was and how low he spoke . I started taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down before I had a nervous break down about the whole situation .

" You have to let that fear go one day Ja'Layah and plus tomorrow starts our senior year we have to at least get a little fun in before we're bombarded with work " she said making a point . I sighed and rubbed my belly it always calmed me down when I was a little nervous , I thought about it I mean I'm sure Chris wouldn't want me moping around and not living life but his death did something to me mentally . I sighed and looked at the time and it was only 9:00 , so if I went I should be back around 11 so I can rest for tomorrow.

" Fine Mel but I'm only staying for two hours probably not even that " I said and she yelled excited and hugged me . I laughed when my door bursted open , and my mom looked around my room in panic .

" I should've known that was Mel over dramatic ass " She said leaning on my door frame . I laughed and Mel threw a pillow which my mom caught and threw back .

" Mom can I go out with Mel to this kickback " I said . She looked at me weirdly I know she's thinking about what happened to Chris , but she didn't bring it up .

" Sure sweetie just please be careful I don't want anything to happen to you or my grandchild " she said . I smiled and nodded standing up and walking to hug her she rolled her eyes but hugged me back , she already knew it was my hormones I had to let her go before I started crying . She left out of my room and Mel went next door to her house and started getting ready . I sighed and looked in the mirror and frowned , since I've been showing with my pregnancy I've started to get very insecure . I hate that my stretch marks were so dark and big , I also hated how swole my face looked . I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and put me an outfit on the bed , it was perfect for the weather since it was night and it was a little windy outside . I bought the outfit before I got pregnant , but I never got around to wear it until now . I placed it on the bed and grabbed my body wash and my face mask , I always took care of my skin no matter the what . I quickly took a shower and did my hygiene and then I had to take a break because I was tired as hell . I heard my phone ding signaling that I had a text and I smiled when I seen the name which read " Ace" 🎲 💕. Ace is Chris's older brother we've been close every since Chris passed away , He always checks on me and makes sure " his boy " straight since he swears that's what Im having .

Ace 🎲💕 : I heard You and Mel pulling up on us tonight don't be doing too much tonight and don't be trying to dance my boy outta there either 🤣 .

I looked at the message and laughed and then I was about to ask him who told him but I already knew Mel told him . They think I don't know that they be fucking around , I laughed at how naive they thought I was .

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