The Dragon Book

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If You noticed that the tile has changed then just know I went back to the first episode he was in and found out that the dragon type was a fire dragon not a golden dragon so I had to change the dragon and the title so sorry about that. Also I can you tell me if I spelt the characters names right? Because I have no idea how to spell them. Now enjoy the chapter.
Bryan's point of view
I woke up with a jolt. I took a few gasping breaths as the memory of the nightmare disappeared once more. i didn't even have a chance to end that last moments of the dream... well nightmare. What did I dream about? The question haunts my mind as I slowly catch my breath. I look around the dark room to see Jakey sleeping in his bed on the left side of the room. I let him sleep in my room tonight. Ever since we became a couple we've grown closer at it feels great. The love we share is as strong as couples can be. The last time I felt this much love was when my parents were alive. I got out of bed as quietly as I could. Making the bed a bad habit of mine. Grabbing my weapons I got out of the room without making a sound. In all honesty I just need to be by myself right now, I need to see if I can ever even a small detail of this dream I have repeatedly at random times. I looked around the protectors guild. It was dark; the magic of the candle lights around the guild was dim making it seem darker than it usually is. The moon was past the halfway mark of the sky. The time was probably 4:00 am. My only options is to train but I didn't want to wake anyone else up. Looking at the line of books that were near the second floor I decided the best thing I could do was read. Grabbing a candle not to far from me. I used my fire magic to make it brighter then the other candles around me. I went though the books trying to find something interesting to read. All the books were organized and clean. Looking at the books a single book caught me eye. This book was older than the other books around it. The cover was a very faded red covered in dust like it hasn't moved from its spot for years. I picked it up. I took a deep breath blowing the dust away. I read the title. Dragon History that immediately got my interest. I have read books with similar titles but no of them looked like this. The author was unknown.
"Why would the Author be unknown?" I questioned myself. As I opened the book to look at the index
-Pages 1-15 Dragon breeds and abilities-
-Pages 16-21 Dragon Slayer Magic-
-Pages 22-35 The Human and Dragon war-
-Pages 36-37 Dark Dragon Magic-
I already knew about Dragon breeds and abilities but everything else was new to me in one way or another. I found a desk and chair. Sitting down I put my candle in a position where I could read all the pages easily from the lack of light in the area.
Dragon Slayer Magic
Dragon Slayer Magic is unknown to most. You can only gain this magic if a Dragon teaches you, learning from a Dragon Slayer Master, and using means of dark magic. (See page 36)
Dragon slayers are most common to learn from a Golden Dragon because they are more kind and can communicate with them. The dragon chooses who to teach by the spirit inside them. If your spirit is wrong in any way they will not teach you even if you give them all the gold in the world. Dragons usually teach them the basics then leave for them to learn more by themselves.
I read more realizing I already knew most of the training already. I went ahead to read the next part
The Human and Dragon War
Everyone know how the war started but no one know the true story behind it. We believe they started the war when the do not know that it was us that started the war. Dragons and Humans where once equal. The nights of old fought to prove themselves to their king. The dragons fought to show they pride to their ruler. One day A unknown Knight grey tired of the rules they had. Not allowed to kill each other. Not allowed to keep the head of a Dragon to show there strength for year to come instead of a single moment. He went to a dragon lair and killed the dragon taking the head with him. At first the dragons let it pass since it has never happened before. We grew greedy and soon any knight fought not for glory instead for the heads and the priceless scales they had. The dragons were outraged and told them to stop saying this was not how they agreed. Out ancestors refuses to go back to the old ways and declared war. Ever since then the dragons went into hiding trying to keep there kind alive. It only worked for a while. Once they figured out there nests they attacked and killed the king and queen of the dragons. With no heir the dragons scattered and went into hiding. Dragons are rarely seen  now. Only coming out to wrath fiery into our town only dying moments later. With no ruler they have no way to truly fight back.
Suddenly I felt a tap on my back.
"Bryan what are you doing up so early?" I screamed a little while staggering back and falling of my chair; hitting my head on the stone ground. Rubbing the back of my head I looked up to see Lo'Pho. He is currently the leader of the guild. He was a half-cat half human. I never actually got the name of his breed. He had brindle like fur and huge blue eyes. From what I have learn from him sometimes they show compassion and sometimes they send s a shiver down your spine. His tail matching is main fur color was just like a rug at cat same with the ears.
"Sorry Bryan are you okay." He helped me up.
"Yeah I'm okay just didn't know I wasn't the only one awake." I dusted my black clothes.
"You know it's very early in the morning." He asked me.
"I know I just couldn't sleep." I chuckled nervously picking up the book on the ground I dropped when I fell back.
"So why couldn't you sleep?"
"No idea since I couldn't I decided to read for a bit." Not wanting to mention the dreamless nightmare I had. Lo'Pho looked at the book in my hand. Snatching it from my hand he took a look at it.
"Strange I don't remember having this book up here.." He went though the pages. He stopped at a page at read it for a few seconds.
"I can see why you would read it. Trying to learn more about yourself?"
"Of course." I replied he looked into it more he went to the end of the book.
"Once your done reading this can I have a look at it. I need to figure it when we got this book." He handed it back to me. I rolled it, then  nodded.
"Yeah and sorry if I woke you up." I looked though it getting to the page I was on.
"Do you think I'll ever see one?"
"A dragon? Maybe but they are very hard to find. I meet on in battle earlier at it was no easy task."
"WAIT WHAT? you never told me about that!"
"Sorry I just forgot about it in the moment. But since your awake would you like some one-on-one training? I have nothing else to do until everyone else wakes up and I would like to see your fighting style a little bit more." I thought about it for a second. I did need to train a little more.
"Sure let's get going." I replied putting the book aside. I will need to read the rest later. I followed Lo'Pho out of the guild wondering we would do in this one-on-one training.
(Words 1419)

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