Reverse the Spell

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Jakey's point of view
I carried Bryan back to the Guild. I just can't believe that happened. Why didn't he tell me? Lo'Pho got the man back to the guild to. He chose to tie him up in a chair putting a spell around him to make sure he did it escape using magic or his own skills. I brought Bryan into our room playing him on his bed. I watched as Oliver Who I kept inside our room for his own safely went up to Bryan and started to sleep next to him. I know I can't do much but I will do whatever I takes to get Bryan's Magic back. I went downstairs to Lo'Pho Ready to do whatever it takes.
"L...Lo'Pho... what do we do now?" I asked him as I saw him by the looks of it reading a book. The cover was black and worn and had purple markings around it.
"I was going to ask a friend for help but it seems that I can not get to them. So I need to figure out if I can find the right spell this man did." He said not looking up from his books. So looks like I can't do much. I went up the man to see that we was still out cold. I really want to help but all I have is time... that's it time!
"Lo'Pho! Come here." I grabbed his hand. I went up to the man again grabbing his hand. Okay I, I can do this I just need to concentrate. I focused on him trying to go back to the right moment. I felt a spark of energy go through me. I closed my eyes and opened them. Suddenly I was on top of a mountain. I saw the man Pulling Bryan by his hand to the center of the mountain.
"J...Jakey what did you do?"
"I...I got us to go back in time so we can see what spell he used. We watched them from a distance not sure of what I could do. This is the first time I have ever gone back in time on purpose. Just like that the man started chanting a spell. I had no clue about what it said. All the sudden a dark Circle formed on the ground. Bryan try to run out of it but couldn't like there was an invisible force to it. As the spell continued I watched as Bryan's magic escaped him. I just couldn't stand seeing him like this. I don't want to see this! I closed and opens my eyes again. Just like that we were back in the Guild and it looks like the man was awake.
"Hey! What am I doing here in this dump!" He said to us trying to shake out of the chair but without being able to use his magic he couldn't escape.
"What do you think? What is your name again?" Lo'Pho asked. I don't think he will respond.
"Chris but that doesn't matter I am now the most powerful Atmokineses mage in the world thanks to your fiends magic." I badly wanted to hurt him but I knew that would only make things worse.
"Thank you Jakey now I know what spell he used I can see if I can reverse it." He said looking back into his book. I looked at Chris as he looked around the room.
"There, looks like you used a very powerful spell. I am surprised you were able to do this three times without your soul tearing itself apart by darkness." He said going up to him with the book still in his hand.
"I didn't fight it I left it in! I am born of dark magic!"
"That makes more sense but for now let's see if we can do anything about this magic you have stolen. Jakey I would suggest you back up in case if anything goes wrong." Lo'Pho said I backed up from where I was. Carefully I watched as Lo'Pho started to chant in words I could not understand. I watched as a circle of light similar to the circle of light he makes to help heal us surround the man. He tired to move himself but he was still stuck in the chair he was in. Lo'Pho's eyes turned white. He looked different just like he did earlier. I need to ask about that. He stopped chanting the almost familiar words.
"Earth." He said. Suddenly a wave of what looked like dust cane out of Chris. He screamed in pain; I couldn't help but plug my ears from how loud it was. Backing up a little father I watched as the dust left the Guild and went to the distance.
"Water." Similar to What happened last time A wave of water shot out of him another scream and the water disappeared.
"Wind." He said a little louder. A large gust of wind flew around the room the only way I knew it was there was because I felt it go through me. The wind muffled Chris's scream. I knew what was last.
"Fire!" This time it was different. It seemed to take shape as something. A dragon? The flaming Dragon instead of going to were the other elements escaped to went upstairs to where Bryan was. Lo'Pho turned back to normal as he followed to his knees.
"L...Lo'Pho are you o...okay?" I asked running up to him.
"Yes I am fine. Just took a lot of magical energy." Soon he stood back up again. I suddenly noticed that Chris was out cold again. I went up to him to see if he was just pretending. I looked at him not realizing until now his chest wasn't rising and falling. I put my hand to his neck. I felt a shiver go though my body. He is dead.
"L...Lo...Lo'Pho." I said fear griping me.
"What is it?" He said realizing how nervous I got.
"H...he... he is d...dea....dead." Lo'Pho went up to him also checking his pulse.
"It did say there was a chance of that happing form using such a strong spell. I just didn't think it would happen." I could see the slight shock in eyes when he realized it.
"I...I will deal with him. You can check on Bryan." Without another second to lose I rushed upstairs. Did he wake up the moment he got his magic back. I went inside to see he was still asleep. He looked a little better then before. Oliver saw me and went up to my feet. I picked him up smiling.
"I...I think everything is going to be okay." I said to him. He licked my face making me smile a bit. I looked at Bryan again. I'm not usually the one to make the moves but... I gave him a hug then nervously kissing his cheek. It felt kind of good to do it. Not wanting to leave his side. I moved my bed so it could be right next to his. Then went to sleeping hoping that Bryan would wake up soon.
(Words 1274) Well you wanted me to kill him off so I did there you go. Sorry t was a late chapter sign I was pretty busy today as well soon I hope I will be less busy. Tomorrow I will be doing a Halloween special so it won't be with the Sorry as of right now but I just thought you would like to know that. Now have a great day/night everyone! :)

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