A Mystery Solved

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Bryan's Point of view
It's been a week, A painful tense-full week since Draken has attack. Jakey told me about what My dragon said at the end of my memory but the only question is why it kept going after I left. I sighed not knowing what to do. Why hasn't he done anything yet. I feel like he should of by now. I was laying on my bed trying to think of something to do. I might as well go downstairs for a bit. I got out of the bed and making sure I had both my sword and my staff on me I went downstairs. I was holding my staff out and before I got down the stairs a memory came to my mind.
I've been training with my dragon for over a month. So far all that he's taught me is stuff about dragons and how to use my sword in easy you couldn't use a normal sword. He told me that today something special would happen. I even made myself get out of class earlier than usual to get to him as fast as I could. I practically ran thought the alleyway to see him sitting up.
"I see your here earlier than usual. I'm not surprised." He sounds so much older than he actually is.
"I was just excited for today."
"Now, Today I have decided to help you learn Dragon Slayer Magic."
"Really?! I mean isn't magic that is meant to kill dragons?"
"No of course not it's just the rearm humans decided to call it. Now since your magic does not have a strong connection to you. You need to choose something that will help you use it. As you already can see these are the choices that you have." I looked at the ground to see four objects on the ground. No of them where something I had in mind. The First was a broken piece of chain. Below the chain was a cork. The next object is a torn piece if leather. The next was a stick. The last was a rock.
"How will these help me?"
"You'll see now, these are all ways someone can control there powers. Now let's see if any of the react." I was confused but I understood. First I went to the rock. Nothing happened. I placed it back down looking at the three objects. The next one I grabbed was the chain and cork. Again nothing happened. With only two objects left I grabbed the torn price of leather. Nothing happened. I was getting worried.
"What if nothing happens to all of them?"
"We will talk about that if it is a problem Bryan." I picked up the final object. I held it in my hand as a strange feeling came thought me. I looked to the ground to see a symbol made of flames. The stock rose into the air and changed. The end of it curved as the stick turned into a gold. Suddenly it lit on fire as a strange red orb not connected to the stick floated in between the curbed end. It floated down and I grabbed it. I felt a strange warmth run thought me then everything turned back to normal well, except the staff that was still in my hands.
"Looks like you've chosen the staff."
"What does that mean?"
"Your energy is very strong and you can cast powerfully spells at was but learning new spells takes a lot of time."
"What were the other ones."
"The first object would be a necklace. The second a bracket the last a ring. Each have there different types of advantages and disadvantages. But right now it's not the time. Now it's time to learn magic."
(End of Flashback)
The thing that got me out of my thoughts was a knock on the door. Lo'Pho was closer to the door and answered it first.
"I have a message from Grimshade." Someone said. Before I could see who it was the left. Lo'Pho opened the note.
"What does it say?" I asked him while he was reading. His eyes grew in shock.
"Draken, It's from Draken."
"I thought they said it was from Grimshade?"
"All He did was use the stamp. This note is asking us to meet him at the pains a few miles away from here. He says that he is ready if we are." My mind went straight to it's a trap but if it was why would he tell us to meet us if we are ready?
"I think we are ready Lo'Pho."
"Let's go then." We got everyone together ready for what would happen next. Then we headed it off to the Plains ready for the fight coming up.
-when they get to the Plains-
We soon got to the meeting place. It was the middle of the afternoon and no cover in sight so their is so way he can hide from us or we can hide from him. We looked around for him. Soon we saw a shape flying to our direction. This Dragon I could tell is earth dragon from its brown scales and how it's bigger than normal adult dragons. It flew down to us with Draken on its back.
"I see you decided to come. It's nice to see ty again."
"Why do you want us here?"
"I wanted to talk then finish my side of the deal of course. I just needed so time.." He looked at his dragon then back at me.
"You almost broke another spell I had on this one Bryan." I got out my sword ready to fight.
"So I guess all of you know why I want him?"
"Y...you w...want to k...know where his d...Dragon is..."
"I'm sorry. It I have no idea where he is. He left about two years ago."
"I already know that you don't know." My mind went straight to confusion. Everyone else probably is too.
"Then why do you need him?" Kay said as she step forward.
"Because He is the only way I can find the Dragon. I've witness it before... Bryan do you remember the night that your parents died?" He asked everyone shook their heads, the only problem is I do remember something now.
"I think you were there..."
"I was. Your Dragon appeared that night. The night I figured out that you knew this Dragon. He came in and attack me, he knew that I was going to kill you." Suddenly a pain came to my head...
(Flashback part 2)
I got out of my bedroom to find out who was yelling. It sounded like it was in the hallway from my bedroom. I opens the door to find my parents talking to A man I've never seen before. Maybe My dad's friend.
"You know what this means right? The Dragon Price is alive! We need to kill them both!"
"What are you talking about this could..." My Mother said.
"Quickly before it finds out Kill Bryan!" He pointed at me then my father ran up to me.
"You will not touch my son Draken!" Suddenly a roar erupted through the sky and the roof went up in flames.
"It's here! We need to finish this war. The Dragons should of died off a long time ago." Without even thinking I casted a spell.
"Fire Dragon Roar!" I screamed and aimed for Draken. He was soon caught in flames.
"Bryan you need to go now!"
"I can fight! I'm not just going to leave you here." Suddenly another large black dragon  appeared in the air. It was attacking something but I couldn't tell. My dad went to attack Draken... he was t strong enough... my mom went to attack him... she wasn't strong enough... Then I had to fight him off... I was barely able to fend him off. He left and I was left alone in the flames of my home then I passed out...
(End Of Flashback)
"Bryan?" I get something tap my shoulder. It was Jakey. I looked at Draken he had a smirk on his face.
"So I guess you remember then?" He asked me.
"Yes, This time I won't let anyone die from it." I ran at him and was ready for a real fight.
(Words 1441) We all love cliffhangers now don't we? Well I do because that mean I can have more time to write. So I hope you liked the chapter rather than the cliffhanger. I hope a lot of this makes sense to you. Now have a great day/night.

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