Our Awakening

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Bryan's point of view
"Ryan......." I heard someone call out to me. I felt my senses come back to me.
"Bryan...." the voice was still echoed. I couldn't figure out who was saying it. I felt my body shiver. My mind putting everything together. I opens my eyes. It looked like the snow storm stopped. At least calmed down. I felt a lot of pain as I stood up. Draken was still on the ground dead. I looked around and couldn't see anyone.
"Bryan!" Jakey? I slowly walked to where his voice was coming from. Soon I saw him he was carrying a lantern looking for me.
"J...Jakey?" I said like a question. Jakey saw means ran up to he.
"Bryan? What happens where is Draken?" I felt a strong pain in my head. Jakey saw this and help me stay up.
"I...I'll be fine." I said trying to do my best to convince Jakey which I could tell wasn't working.
"Where is Draken?"
"H...he is farther back..... he's dead." I felt a wave of tiredness hit me Jakey had to support me more. I feel like I shouldn't be awake... at least not yet.
"W...we need to g...get you back to everyone else. What happened?" He said as we started to walk to the cave entrance.
"I...it's a blur.... I can remember bits and pieces but it felt like a dream...." We soon got to the entrance of the cave. My vision was going blurry again.
You need to stay awake. A voice said to me.
"I know...." I mumbled to myself.
"Lo'Pho!" Jakey called out. I saw Lo'Pho in a few second. His pace quicken as he ran up to me.
"What happens to you?"
"I...I'm not......" another pain in my head. Jakey  felt my body go more limp. Lo'Pho cast a spell and started healing my wounds.
"Bryan t...told me t...that Draken is dead. That h...he killed him."
"That's good, but how?"
"S...Simone else was their.... at the same time they've all way been their......" I said trying to recollect my memories of the fight.
"I....it's hard to explain...." He helped my wounds making me feel a little bit better, but not by a lot.
"W...who was it?"
"I...I don't know. I didn't see them. I just felt them..."
"W...where is Kay and The Dragon Queen?"
"Kay was looking for you. She should be back soon. Bri is helping the sick dragon you found earlier." I tried to to stand on my own. Jakey saw how much I was struggling with standing and helped me again. I heard footsteps from behind us.
"I couldn't find Bryan.... Bryan! Are you okay?" It was Kay.
"I'm okay. Draken is dead." Every time I thought about what I did I felt the sense of relief.
We should be safe now with him gone. The voice I realize was staring to sound more like my dragon's voice. I guess what I saw earlier was true. I am the Fire Dragons Vessel.
"That's good right? That means we don't have to worry about him or his dragons anymore."
"Yeah. We should." I said answering two people.
"You should take it easy Bryan, you used a lot of magical energy."
"I know." We all decides to walk where Bri was. She was petting the Shadow Dragon's head.
"Bryan? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay. How is he doing?"
"He is doing okay." The Shadow Dragon looked at me in the eye giving me a respectful nod.
"I just wanted to help." I told him. He put his head back down.
"I guess we are going to stay here until he fully recovers then?"
"We don't have a choice. He needs help. We can't take him back either." I was about to ask her something when it was answered by someone else.
Yes, I can explain more about the situation we are in later Bryan.
"I mean this is not that bad of place. We could make it a safe place if needed." Lo'Pho suggested to all of us. I think we all agreed. It's not to far from the guild and it's very well hidden.
"What happens while you where fighting Bryan?"
"I'm not sure.... it's all blurry in my mind. I just remember killing him."
"You killed Draken? I guess that better for everyone. I would of like to get some answers out of him." I quickly remembered how much rage I felt while fighting. I should of thought about that.
Do not worry, I was not thinking either.
"Since we are staying the night we should all get some rest." Kay suggested to us.
"Sounds good to me." We all went next to each other to keep us warm. I waited for everyone to fall asleep.
What type of questions would you like me to answer?
"Why are you able to talk to me now." I said keeping my voice low.
I wasn't fully awake until now.
"Your name is Ignatius?"
Yes, I could not tell you because other dragons and people would recognize it.
"How does this work?"
This is something dragons can do when they have a deep bound with our human. There are different forms of this. We as you now remember we're both badly injured. Neither of us would of lived from out injuries. Since we share the same magic we were able to share our injuries to heal. One of us would have to go into a sleep taking both injuries combined while the other could carry them in a way. You were not as in a critical condition as me so our magic decides to force me to sleep. It could of been the other way around.
"How are you only now awake?"
The stronger your magic became the quicker it was for me to heal. Since you have reached your dragon form I have been walking up. It wasn't until this moment I was fully able to.
"Does that mean you can leave me? We can be separated from eachother?"
Sadly no, not yet. I am not sure how, but eventually what happens earlier will happen fully. To a point where I am able to take my own form again.
"Let's just hope you can come back fully soon. I missed you by the way."
I missed you to Bryan.

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