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Hey sorry for not uploading yesterday but I got trapped with my friend bing watching a full season. So sorry about that, also is was shaving a bit of a writers block here. Sorry for any spelling errors too. Here is the chapter.
Lo'Pho and K left the next night. From what I understand it is a problem with animal? I'm not really sure they don't like humans only half humans or animals so to cause less problem the told me and Jakey to stay here. I understand. Elena wasn't back yet to it was only us.
"H...Hey Bryan?" Jakey walked into the training area. I was trying to practice using magic without my staff but so far I am having no luck.
"What's up Jakey?" O asked grabbing my weapons. It is time for me to head inside. The sun is setting. I couldn't help but notice it made Jakey's hair glow as well as his eyes. I felt my face heat up a little at the small detail.
"I...I was wondering if you wanted to make some cookies with me?"
"Cookies? I'm down!" I tried a few of Jakey's cookies and they remind me of my mother's cookies.
"Come on then, I need to make a lot of them for Oliver. I saw Oliver behind him. I followed him inside into the kitchen. He already had all the ingredients out.
"Okay first we need to get the ingredients ready." He told me what to put into the bowl and how much. He preheated he oven and grabbed all the wet ingredients. He put them in and we made the cookie dough in no time. We rolled them into small balls and placed a dozen on two trays. We still had a lot left over.
"Are you sure you don't want me to cook them with my fire magic?"
"In all honestly you would probably burn them."
"Okay." We put them in the oven. I was surprised we didn't have to put them in for as long as I would thought. One we were done we were able to make another tray of Cookies and put them in the oven. There was some cookie dough leftover.
"Want some?" Jakey asked me. I grabbed some with a spoon as he grabbed some for himself.
"Sure but..."
"But wha..." I shoved some into his mouth. He was a little shocked but after eating the cookie dough he laugh.
"R...really? B...Bryan?"
"Yeah? Come on I know yo..." he shoved his spoon into my mouth. It tasted to good.
"Okay that's fair." All the sudden the timer went off. Jakey went to get them out of the oven.
"I can start cleaning up." I said as I started cleaning up the dishes we used. Thankfully it want to hard to clean up. I put any of the leftover ingredients away. The only thing that was left was the flour on the ground.
"Thanks for helping me out tonight Bryan. It means a lot." He looked down a smiled. I felt my face light up.
"I had just as much fun as you did." I picked up the bad of flour. It was a lot heavier than I thought. Unprepared I stumbled at fell back. I fell against the closet were we put most of the indigents flour covered me.
"B...Bryan are you okay?" He ran up to getting covered in flour as well.
"Y...Yeah I'm fine I just..." All the sudden I heard the sound of glass breaking. A colorful smile filled the air. I felt myself black out.
I woke up from a cold breeze that surrounded me. I opens my eyes to see the night sky filled with stars and a quarter filled moon. It looks like it will Eva full moon in a few days. What happened? I sat up from where I was. Right something fell and broke but what... wait, was that the closet where we kept the potion on top... This could be a problem. I stood up and shivered from the cold. Why am I so cold I'm just wearing a..... what the heck am I wearing?! A white robe that looked like Greece time was on me. I had brown bracelets on me and a belt around my hip. I felt something in my hair, it felt like a metal but I couldn't tell. Wait is Jakey here too?
"Jakey?!" I cried out. By the looks of the surrounding area we are up high.
"B...Bryan." Jakey also looked different too. He had a single price of armor covering his chest. He was tying to cover his chest with his arms. He war blue and white shirts. Metal looking string went around his arms and heat as well. He looked so... not the time!
"B...Bryan w...what happened?" He asked me shivering front the cold. Who knew it was so windy out here.
"Potions I think. Are you okay?"
" what am I? Why would I?" I went up to him. Stumbling a little as I walked this wasn't a very snotty place.
"I don't know what going on. All I know is that when I hit the closets all the Potions fell down and this happened."
"C...can we least get back inside?"
"Yeah we probably should. We went together and we walked along this bumpy land area. It's to dark to figure out where we are.
"B...Bryan!" I felt myself stumble toward and Jakey pulled me back.
"W...were on top of the guild?!" I said out loud. Looking down I saw the light from the windows and the large drop between us and the front of the guild.
" a...are we going to get d...down?"
"M...maybe your time magic. can slow o...our fall so we can get down safely."
"I...I can try but I... can I make sure my magic works first?"
"Of course why would you be worried?"
" didn't work."
"What do you mean?"
"I tied to stop time and I couldn't. It's the most simple spell I know."
"O...okay so we can use are magic form the potions okay...." I started to think of any other was to get down. All the sudden we heard voices from the distance. We looked and saw Lo'Pho and Kay coming our way.
"Looks like we need to get help."
" are we going to to tell them what happen?"
"We will figure that or later right now we need to get down. Lo'Pho! K!" I cried out to them. Lo'Pho looked up. He said something but I couldn't hear it from up here. He got out his wings and flew up to us.
"Why in the world do you look like Greek gods?" He asked looking at us.
"We were making cookies and I fell over knockdown the potions. We can't use our magic and we some how got up here."
"I have been meaning to put those somewhere else but how are we going to get you down?"
"You... C...can us down?" Jakey said. I looked at the edge of the roof and walked a little closer to it. A strange feeling pulling me toward it.
"I wish I could but I can't even take one of you down safely. I am strong but not t..that strong."
"What if we..." Jakey and Lo'Pho continued to talk to each other, but my mind didn't let hear their words.'I got to the edge of the roof looking down at the guild around me. Falling would certainly kill me. Still I chose not to back up. A women's voice calm and sure spoke to me. I did not recognize the voice but something is inside of me did.
"Bryan my son. I know that you are scared but if you jump they will come to you."
I felt myself take another step toward. I felt myself begin to fall as the real world came back to me.
"Bryan!" I heard Jakey cry out but it was already to late. Even thought most of me disagrees with this. Another side of me tells me this is right. I felt myself turn and my face was reaching toward the sky. I closed my eyes. A strange feeling came on my back. I didn't know what was going on but I felt like I could trust this. Suddenly I felt like I had something my back. Flipping myself over I flapped at what first I thought were imaginary wings. Seconds later they turned out to be real. I was in The air flying through the sky. I looked at me ages to see white large angelic wings on my back. I flew to the side of the violins. The movements of my wings left natural. I heard Lo'Pho and Jakey talking to each other.
"B...Bryan... is he?" Jakey said sadness in his voice.
"I did not hear anything of someone falling to the ground so I don't think so. Kay! Is Bryan down their?"
"No! I was trying to get into the roof." I left my mind trail from their conversation. I felt so free and alive flying through the air. I could feel the rush of the wind from my feathers. I opens my arms to feel the night breeze. I flew up into the air behind the guild. I turned to see Jakey. I know I shouldn't joke about this but... I can't help it. Jakey and Lo'Pho were both near the edge of the building both of them looking for me. I flew to Jakey and grabbed him. The force of my body made him fall with me. I felt myself go on my back. Jakey was above me facing down.
"B...bryan?" He said looking at me. I moved myself close to him and hugged him while falling. I opens my wings and flew back into the air. Jakey slipped from my grip and I grabbed him by the hands. Lo'Pho flew to us.
"You have wings!?"
"I didn't know. They just appeared?" I said straying in the same position in the air.
"Okay so I can attack you for scaring us half to death can you fly down?"
"Sure." I tucked my wings as me and Jakey flew to the ground. I slowed the speed once we were close enough. I let Jakey drop to the ground. I couldn't hole but fly up into the air. Once I felt like I was high enough I left myself free fall fro a few seconds. Then I landed onto the ground. Then I left Lo'Pho ouch me in the shoulder.
"Well you serve that."
"I told you I was sorry." Suddenly I felt Jakey give me a hug.
"D...don't do that... a...again." I smile using my wings to wrap around him the kissing him softly in the forehead.
"I won't, At least not in a way like that again." Suddenly I felt my wings disappear. I realized that the spell wore off and me and Jakey were back to normal.
"I guess you want us to make each potion you had again?"
"No that is too rough how about we get some of the cookies you were making."
"Yes Please!" I heard Kay say.
"I can still smell them."
"O...okay I w...was going to give you guys some anyway." Then we went back inside.
(2008 words) IcyWillowSong: Here is something special just to say sorry for not uploading yesterday.
Bryan: Hey guys!
Jakey: I...I h...hope you guys like the c...chapter
Bryan: Yeah also I hope you guys have a great day!
Jakey: we have some leftover cookies and decided to give you guys some.
-everyone receives Jakey's special cookies-
Bryan: Well then bye guys see you next chapter. Let's go Jakey.
-Bryan grand Jakey's Hand and they start to leave-
Jakey: B...Bye guys.

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