Portal Problems

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I felt bad for the chapter I did. I already know what was going to happen next which is this chapter along with a few other but I wanted a pause and my pause wasn't that great so today you guys get two chapter and since I'm sick maybe even three if I get bored enough. So I hope you enjoy :) these chapter are more for fun in a way but I will add stuff in these chapters that will help the story go along.
Bryan's point of view
All the sudden there was a knock on my door. I opened it to see Lo'Pho. He was all geared up.
"We need to go now!" I immediately went to grab my weapons. I looked at my bed to see the book still there. Something told me to grab it so I did.
"What's the problem?" I asked as I watched as everyone else came downstairs.
"Apparently some one who was practicing (Another stupid autocorrect pet icing) portal magic at Jaspinder boarding school." There?!
"Jaspinder?! I used to go there!" Everyone looked at me.
"That school is very hard to get into."
"I did and graduate best in my classes but that doesn't matter we need to go." Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Well then let's go." We all rushes out of the guild and headed to Jaspinder.
-Time skip brought to you by running-
Soon we made are way to the town. As we started to go down the road I saw the familiar path I used to take.
"Go ahead, I need to check something."
"Bryan! Come on this is more important."
"I know but it will be fast I know my way from here." I ran without a respond to the familiar road retracing my steps. Soon I saw the familiar alley way. I went though and saw the place where I used to train. Obviously My Fire Dragon wasn't there. I couldn't help but smile at seeing the place. Knowing I had to go back I went back to the school.
"Bryan you know this place right where would the portal most likely be?" I thought for a minute.
"The training grounds this way." I said as we made are way toward the familiar building. Soon we got to the beck of the school where a portal on the ground laid with a few nervous students and teachers.
"Bryan? It's good to see you." One of the teachers said recognizing my face.
"It's good to see you too but what happened?"
"Well one of our students messed around with their magic and made this portal. No one had fallen in but we can't close it."
"Only way to close it is from the inside or stronger magic. Does anyone else here have stronger magic then them?" Lo'Pho said. I know that would be hopeless considering that portal magic is rare to be born with and even harder to use.
"No sadly not." We all looked at the portal wondering who should go in. Everyone stayed quiet.
"Lo'Pho can't go b...because he might scare the people there. I...I can't because I've never dealt with Portal magic before." Jakey said. Elena and K also nodded.
"That leaves me. I know what portal magic is like I can go through."
"The portal, I don't know where it is going so your just going to have to figure it out." One of the students said. I sighed understanding what this meant.
"Okay I will be back as soon as I can." Then I jumped.
Bryan's point of view (you confused good)
I made my way into the portal room. I know I should listen to Rockstar Freddy but today I just couldn't help myself. (No longer confused and know what's happing good.) I went into the portal room and noticed something off. The portal wasn't at the same setting as last time. I went closer it was spiraling in the colors orange purple and white. Worried that one of the animatronics are stuck in here. Or a chance this is the portal leading to the world the Twisted animatronics are in; I jumped in.
FTO Bryan's point of view
I felt myself land sideways on the ground. The ground was cold and hard. I noticed that I accidentally dropped my sword so I grabbed it. I dusted myself off. I looked at the portal behind me. It was blue with Galaxy themes swelling in the large space. So this is the source of the problem. I found a computer near it. I looked and saw that this portal was set at its normal setting labels mini games? Okay this is weird. I don't know what's going on but I have to find a way to by the looks of it open the portal and close it again. I looked at the computer trying to figure out how it works when I heard footsteps. I ran behind one of the white pillars the one closer to the door so they might have a harder time following me. I watched as the doors opened. I watched as strange creatures came out of the door. The first one looked like a bear with a star on its chest as well as a purple bow tie under is neck.It wore a purple top hat and held a microphone in its hand. His skin well fur was brown and it's eyes where bright blue. The next one was twice my hight with a color scheme of purple and white alps the form of a bear. The third on was black bear with similar feature to the first bear. One of its eyes were orange the other I couldn't tell from here but it was different from the other eye. Next a girl about as tall as the second bear had red pigtails and looked a lot like a clown. They wore a red skirt and was holding the hand of the last creature who looked like a clown ballerina. Which has a color scheme of purple, blue, and white.
"Why are we hear again Rockstar Freddy?" Said the black bear.
"Because Bryan is missing again. There is a chance he is in here Lefty." The First brown bear said. His voices gave me some werid vibes and I guess the black one is called lefty. What surprised me was that they were looking for me. Is this a alternative universe
"Look what if he is not in hear and just late for work?" A high pitched voice said I located it to the small bear.
"You know he practically lives here now." "Helpy!" The small girl said.
"That is true Baby but I am getting worried myself. What if they took him?" The ballerina said holing the small girl who is fallen baby? These are some weird names.
"Don't worry Ballora. He is probably in here" Rockstar Freddy said as they went up to the portal. I moved myself making sure I was quiet to the other side of the pillar to watch them.
"Bryan is still not here." Lefty said.
"Okay, Bryan is no-where around the park and not with any of us since we are the only ones online."
"Did he go through the portal?"
"I don't think so. He doesn't go in without us."
"We should turn off the portal for now. Making sure..." No, No, No if they turn off the portal there Bryan might be lost. I have a feeling that maybe we switched places in our world. I made my way to the second pillar.
"What was that?" Baby said point to the direction I was in. Crap.
"Bryan is that you? I swear if your playing a prank of us." Lefty said heading to were I was.
Okay fight or run. If I run I might have a chance of getting out of here but I could get lost. Fight? I don't want to hurt them I just need there help. I continued to think though my options when I felt something grab me. Pulling me out of my position. They covered my mouth so I couldn't speak but thankful not my nose so I couldn't breath.
"Bryan why were you hiding from us." Lefty said as he put me in the middle of the room letting go of me. Helpy went up to me and grabbed my cloak.
"What are you wearing I know Halloween is coming up by aren't you suppose to wear to costume on Halloween?" I got up and dusted myself off.
"Bryan what are you supposed to be anyway? A wizard?" Baby said looking at me. What do I say? I have No idea what to do I just came here to close the portal. I have no idea if they can fight or have magic I don't even know what they are. Good? Bad? Looks like I have to run. I ran out the doors. I can hear them following behind me.
"Bryan?! Come back!" I heard them call out to me. I saw a hole though a wall I went though it to see huge structures that I have never seen before.
"What is this place?" I said to myself in between breath. I ran toward what look like a ship. I had no idea where I was going. I felt something pick me up.
"Hey Bryan what are you doing?" He has Somali frites to Rockstar Freddy but looked like a fox and had one of his hands a hook. Okay I need to get out of here so... I pulled out my sword. I pointed it at the fox.
"Put me down please." I said making it a threat.
"Foxy don't put him down!" Helpy said. Looking like the caught up to me.
"Put me down or I will...." Helpy touches my sword the welded back in pain.
"What is that made out of fire?" Helpy said holing there Hans. The other creatures got close to me.
"Bryan calm down this is probably an effect from the portal." Rockstar Freddy said.
"Look I don't know what you are or where I am. I only came here to close the connection between this word and mine." I lifted my sword to the fox's hand as the dropped me.
"Bryan. This is your home we are your friends so just calm down."
"I'm sorry that I have to do this but..." I switched to my staff.
"Fire Dragon Roar!" I said as the flames came from staff nearly missing the creatures.
"When did you learn how to use... magic?"
"A long time ago." They looked at me. I have to tell them the truth even though this is against the rules.
" I am an alternate Bryan from your Bryan. Where I am from there aren't things like you."
"Animatronics." One of them stated.
"Okay Animatronics. I think your friend or me is stuck in my world. So that means?"
"Until we can get you back your stuck with us."
The fox said.
"Sorry about attacking you it's just I didn't know what was going on."
"Okay that's good to know but how do we bring you home and out Bryan back?"
"Well we need the connection to return."
Look stupid I know it's just that My mind is broken right now so I have no idea how to continue this so here it is. I wanted to do this eventually but right now since it's the only Idea I have rather than the last chapter which was also stupid. Until then enjoy this mess.

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