Going Back

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First of all thank you guys for the support! I mean I really didn't think I would get this much we are already above 1000 reads and over 100 votes. I am sorry I wasn't able to upload I was at a bit of a writers block so It took me a bit longer of a chapter idea but now that I have one you guys can have a chapter. Yay! Hope you enjoy.
(Okay one things this is during the at the grand magic games I just wanted start right there since that would make the most sense.)
Bryan's point of view
The Unison Raid drain my magic so quickly. I was surprised I was able to fly down. I can't believe I was able to transform again. Lo'Pho didn't seem that shocked to me about it. I wonder why? I felt myself collapse to the ground from exhaustion but I didn't pass out or anything.
"We did it Bryan. We did it.... oh I see. This is fine you just get some rest."
"N...no i'm not out just tired but thanks Lo'Pho." I replied getting myself back up.
Lo'Pho was talking to someone but my mind got to distracted to see who it was.
"Let the Fire burn you. Don't burn out the fire." The words echo through my head. What do they mean? How can I burn out a fire when I can use fire? A calm sensation filled me. Going back to reality I saw that Lo'Pho was healing me. I closed my eyes for a second letting my Dragon form disappear from me. When I opens my eyes I was back to normal.
"Thanks Lo'Pho I just can't believe we actually did it."
"Yes but it looks like we will need to ask a lot of questions to eachother."
"Decently like you having God Slayer Magic?"
"Why you are able to turn into a half dragon?"
"Yeah we should Probably tell Jakey too." We walked out of the fighting arena. I didn't see anyone else from other guilds. I did see Jakey though.
"B...Bryan, Lo'Pho that was amazing!" He said running toward us giving us a group hug.
"S...Sorry w...was that t...too much?"
"No of course not Jakey."
"So what did you think of the fight?" Lo'Pho asked Jakey.
"I...it looked great. Y...you guys did great, but you guys never told me you could do that?"
"it's was the second time I turned into that dragon form for me."
"That's for later all I know that it happens when I need it too."
"L...Lo'Pho what about you?"
"I just simply have God Slayer Magic." He said casually saying it was no big deal. The only thing is that God Slayer Magic is extremely rare more rare than a Atmokineses wielder.
"W...we should probably go back now."
"Yeah Probably." He all started our way back to the guild. With what felt like in no time we were able to get to the forest near our guild.
"Yes Jakey? Is everything okay?" I asked getting a little worried.
"Y...you know I was able to go back in time with um Chris do you want to see If I can do it with you?"
"R...really of course I have no problem with that." I said maybe he can help me figure out what happened to my parents now.
"O...okay I don't know If I can bring you with me but I can try." Jakey took me and Lo'Pho's hand. Jakeclosed his eyes and started concentrating on using his magic. Hoping it would help I closed my eyes too focusing on the memory that was so blurry in my mind.
"It is not yet time to remember."
"T...that was weird..." Jakey said a second later. I opens my eyes to see that Lo'Pho and Jakey were in a different place then they were before.
"W...what happen? I asked.
"We saw the memory of you walking back looking for your dragon but once we smelled smoke in the air we were kicked out of the memory.
"Okay something is not normal about that memory good to know."
"Yes That is very strange but we have other things to think about."
"Finding K and looking out for new missions." I said knowing the answer.
"Also to prepare for the next Grand Magic games." Lo'Pho said as we continued to walk. I couldn't help but say...
"Let the Fire Burn you, Don't burn out the fire... Does that mean anything Lo'Pho." Lo'Pho looked at me.
"Were did you get that from?"
"I...I just heard of it before a long time ago."
"I have never heard of a saying like. I can see if I can find anything about that later." Soon we were in front of the guild.
"I just can not wait to what happens next."
Sorry that the chapter is so short. I just my writers block only allowed me to get this much of an idea for the story I just hope I can get more idea's soon. Hope you all like it anyway.

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