My Dragon Side Part 2

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Bryan's point of view
I left my hand run against my chest to feel the dark red ember scales that seem to melt into my skin. My arms hand the same scales across them. I couldn't see my face but I fell like it changed too. I felt wings on my back. Using my hand to pull them close to me so I can look at them. They were almost identical to the wing shape of a dragons the outside of it was black. Black like charcoal. The inside of them looked like a fire burning. The let out a small orange-red glow. (Next few details are something I thought would look cool.) I used my hand to trace the small curved hits that came out of my head by how it felt they reached a little bit rather than my head. The man who was still in shock looked at me. Soon that shock turned into a strong ambition.
"Now let's finish what we started!" He ran toward me. I already had a plan in mind. No matter how much I wanted to crush his skull into the ground. I know that I wouldn't be able to. I felt like my normal self in this from. Something tells me that I feel normal from the fact that a lot of my magic was stolen. I had to get help. I have no idea how long I would be able to stay in this form. I opens my wings. I could feel a strong energy from them. I jumped off and started to fly off.
I had to Find Lo'Pho and Jakey. The only thing is that it would take me forever to find them. I looked around trying to see if there I anyway can help them find me. Suddenly I saw it. The dead forest. If I can somehow get that things to light up so just maybe.... Suddenly the energy the was in my wings stopped. I felt myself fall for a few seconds until I was able to catch myself. I flew to the ground not wanting that to happen and this time not be able to catch myself. I ran as fast as I could to the dead forest. Wait did I lose him? I didn't even think about that. I looked behind to see him following me. Never mind. I ran into the dead forest. The energy from this form slowly dying. I looked around and saw him slowing his pace looking at me.
"Now there is no where to run. Let finish this spell and..."
"Fire Dragon Plague!" Suddenly a line to fire came at him he dodge but it hit the right target. The dead tree. It immediately went up in flames and slot it was burning everything around it. I felt myself fall to the ground. I felt myself go back to normal. I didn't have any magic left. I tired to stand up to do anything but I couldn't. I was to tired to even move. The man came up to me and smiled.
"You missed and now you have to give me the rest of your magic." He started laughing and once again started the spell. I couldn't fight it anymore. I felt myself black out as whatever bit of fire magic I had left inside me left me.
Lo'Pho's Point of view
"B...Bryan!" I heard Jakey call out again. We have been looking for him all night. No signs of him anywhere. I just can't lose another member of the guild. I already lost enough. Almost all of them my fault. I was flying in the air trying to see if he anywhere nearby. We were getting close to the guild again to see if he just go really lost somehow and was only now able to find his way back. Suddenly I smelled it.
"Jakey do you smell that?" I asked to him below.
"It Smells like smoke." I let myself turn to where it was coming from and from a distance I could see a area of the forest on fire.
"Jakey!" I called down to him. He went to an opening in the trees so he could see me.
"There is a forest fire that way. Go there as fast as you can I will see you there." I holler at him. pointing to where the smoke was coming from. I got to the area as fast as my wings could take me. This was the area I showed Bryan earlier. The part of the forest that was dead. I flew above scanning the area. I saw a man wearing dark brown clothing What by the looks of it was casting a spell. Then I saw Burns laying is the ground in the center of what looked like a magic circle. This was the Atmokineses person from earlier. He was stealing Bryan's Magic. I flew down at him. When he saw me it was to late. I slammed into him making him end the spell. He looked at me.
"So you want a fight kitty?" He said looking at me with a grin.
"No one touches my friends!" I made a sword go toward his neck a simple millimeter away from his neck. I know I can't kill him. Right now I need him. He is the only way I can get Bryan's Magic back. Suddenly I felt the earth shake around me. Catching me off guard I fell of him. He smiled back.
"You will get a fight." He pulled out a weapon of his own. Running toward me. I used a ray of my light magic and was able to it him directly. He looked at me anger filling his eyes. He started using his elements against me. Wind. Water, Nature but it was no match for my skills in fighting. I was able to strike him down to many times to count. Still he was able to push me down.
"Is that all you got!" I called to him
"No of course not." Suddenly A wave of fire came right at me. I was able to dodge it by flying out of the way. He is able to use Bryan's fire magic. I felt myself burn with even more anger than before. I didn't even noticed i into my God Slayer form. He saw me in this from and started backing off. I wouldn't let that happen. I used as much magic as I couldn't to tire him out. He was already out of a lot of magical energy form the spell and trying to use his elements against me. By the time I was finished he was covered with wounds. I went up to him almost smiling to see him like this.
"Never touch my family again." I knocked him unconscious. Jakey then arrived. He didn't even look at me and went straight to Bryan.
"B...Bryan.... No no Bryan." He said holding him close to Himself. I would say that was cute but now is not the time. I grabbed the man and pulled him toward us.
"W...Will Bryan be okay?" He asked practical crying. I hate to see him like this.
"I honestly don't know. It just depends how well he can handle this."
"C...can you?"
"No magic his magic isn't going to restore on his own. His was stolen and the only way for him to get it back is to get the magic out of this man." Jakey nodded and lifted up Bryan. I was surprised he was even able to do that.
"We will bring them both back. I know someone of mine who can transfer all of Bryan's Magic back into him but rather than that there isn't that much I can do." Just like that we made our way back. Back to the guild to hopefully fix this mess.
(words 1411) I did the count and if I was to do this in one chapter I would have...
2448 words. So yeah I had to do this chapter in two pars. I usually do chapter where the word count is above 1000 words so even then I went a bit over board. I added the few details into his form because I thought it would look cooler. I hope you guys like the chapter and i do feel bad that I made Jakey cry. Have a great day/night.

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