My Dragon side Part 1

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So um with the new episode that came out I just want you to know if you didn't by now that now is that this doesn't go exactly like the story line does on his series. I will try to keep I close to a certain pint but most of it is my idea. Hope you guys understand. Also this is going to be a two part chapter because there is a lot I want to put in here but I don't think I can do all of it in one day. Now enjoy the chapter.
Bryan's point of view
I woke up my head in a lot of pain. I couldn't see much but I could tell I was laying on something. I got up to feel a bandage around my head. I rub my head to figure out were the pain was the worse around the farther back left side of my head. I wince a little from the pain. I stand up but a bit shakily. Looking around I could see I was in a prison cell. Except it look almost hand made. I walked around to see if there was a way out but I couldn't see anything but the locked door. All the sudden I hear what sounded like footsteps and the sound of a large heavy door point and closing. I couldn't see where the door came from not even a bit of light from the door. All the sudden I saw a man his skin a dark ran covered with scars faded blue eyes and dark blonde hair.
"Hello Bryan." His voice was dark as he walked up to me.
"W...Who are you?" I asked a bit nervous backing away.
"That is none of your concern. I was worried you wouldn't wake up in time but here you are."
"In time for what?" I went to take out my weapons but of course they were gone.
"You will see Bryan but for now..." he went up to the metal door.
"Come with me nicely or I can give you more than a simple opened wound on your head." Looking around for a second I nodded. If I go outside of this place their might be a breeze chance of me getting out of here. I went up to the door he opened it.
"Now we can't let you see if where you are now can we." Suddenly a black cloth went over my eyes. I couldn't see anything.
"Now I will guide you to our destination." He grabbed my hand keeping a very tight grip on my risk. A chance that it will bruise form it. I followed carefully unsure of where I was going. Turns and stairs made my mind dizzy no use of thing to remember the direction we were headed. Suddenly I could feel a cold breeze that    told me that we were outside. (Funny auto correct part 3 .org used) I could hear the crouching of grass as we walked. The breeze told me that we were either in a not so thick forest of a plain. A forest seems more likely.
"Be carful I will do the rest." Suddenly a large gust of wind seems to pick me up from the ground. Wait is he the Atmokineses guy? That would make sense with him using the wind. That also means, I am in huge trouble. Suddenly I could feel the ground beneath me. That has to mean that we got to where we are going. The black cloth suddenly disappeared from my eyes. I could see it was still night time.
"Now as you can see we are on top of a very steep mountain if you run you will certainly fall to your death." I looked around the area to see that it was true.
"Now let us begin." He pulled (auto correct part 4 pulled was puked.) me to the center of this mountain we were on. If you can call it that. It was a very small flat area. He started to chant something I could not understand. All the sudden a dark circle glowed beneath me. The man let go of my hand and slowly made his way out of the circle. I took my chance. I ran to the age of the circle but an invisible force kept me inside the circle. Suddenly a word came out of his mouth. A word that I could understand. Fire. A pain started to go through me. I fell to my knees. His chant became faster. The pain increased as I almost screamed. It felt terrible. He was taking the very magic that I had inside me. All I could do was feel the pain run through me as a heaviness and lightness creeps into me. The heaviness from the pain and I was quickly getting weaker every second. The Lightness from fire leaving me making feel... how am I suppose to describe this. I watched as within my blurry (funny auto correct part 5 blurry= Blu-ray) vision a red magic went across the circle and into the mans soul.
"P...please stop! I c...can do this... d...don't you have enough?" He stoped his charming but the spell kept going.
"I have to have all of it!" He replies and went back to chanting. I only now realized that he was just saying the same thing now. Replaying every sound of the words at the same speed. I didn't know what else to do. I know I could die from this. I looked around hoping that there could be something, anything that could help but nothing could. I felt my body start to give out and my body slurs against the ground. My vision growing darker with every passing second.
"Fight it...." A voice? Who is it?
"You can't let them win, fight it." The voice was so familiar but I couldn't place where I have heard it before.
"Keep it inside!" The voice grew louder. I started focusing on fighting the speed forcing my magic to go back inside me. A force of pain ran though me as I grunted. I... I think it's working. Come on, come on just come back! A burst of energy went through me. I don't know what happen. Suddenly there was the sound of something shatter. I felt myself slide to the edge of the mountain. A strange feeling came around me. I felt stronger, at least strong enough that I could stand. The man who also feel back looked at me his eyes widen. I looked at myself in shock.
I know what I have to do.

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