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Bryan's point of view
Ow my head... I open my eyes to find myself in a forest. Not the forest in flames like it was before. Where am I? I looked around. Every tree looked the same a dark oak that covers the sky. It was dark but I could see. I stood up and looked at myself. It didn't seem like I was injured why do I feel so tired. I put my hand against of of the identical trees to balance myself up. Am I the only one here? Did I get here by myself did I bring myself here? The weak feeling inside of me stayed. I wonder if anyone was out here. I started slowly walking through the forest. Every turn I took made me more lost then I was before. Everything looked the same no different in flowers of bushes on the ground. The grass was identical each tree was the same height. Every leaf was the same. It didn't feel like I was trying to find a way out. It felt more like I was trying to find something.
"Right..." Same voice from before that helped me transform into whatever I was. I turned right and started to walk toward. It's not like I have anything else to do rather than to follow this voice instructions. He continued to tell me directions. I followed them the moment he told me to but it still felt like I was going no where.
"Stop."  The voice said an I did. There was nothing here. It looked like the exact area where I woke up but it's probably not since everything is this endless forest looks the same.  I looked up and saw a shadow the blended into the leaves almost perfectly. I was barely able to see it. I continue to watch the unmoving shadow it's shape I couldn't place my finger on. Suddenly the shadow move and I heard a roar fill the air. The forest went up in flames in a matter of seconds. I could still see the shadow but the shape of it was still unclear. 
"Let the fire burn you. Don't burn out the fire." What the heck is that supposed to mean? Did he mean in literally? I watched as trees started to fall from the flames as they started to crash around me. I could finally see the sky but it was filled with smoke. The strange thing was the worse the forest burned the more the Shadow gained shape. I could now tell it looked like some kind of animal. Suddenly a tree that was right next to me cracked and started to fall. I couldn't move in time a just like that I felt it slam into me. Everything turned black.
I opened my eyes. I felt like I should of jolted up but I felt to tired to do that. Even more tired then I was in the dream. At least that was a dream... I think. I realized I was back in my room laying on my bed. I sat up slowly. From the looks of the darkness in the room it was night. Looking at myself again I realized that my wound near my head was no longer there. Lo'Pho must of healed it for me. I am just happy my plan worked to get help. My thoughts started to wonder into more important questions. Is the man here or did he get away? Is everyone alright from having to fight him? Are my powers still gone or are the back? Suddenly I heard footsteps coming near me.
"Lo'Pho I am getting worried did the spell really get Bryan's powers back? H...he's been out of a week." J...Jakey? Thank god he is okay.
"Don't worry Jakey bringing his powers back wouldn't wake him up immediately. He probably still has to recover from not having it and getting it back to normal." Wow doesn't Lo'Pho sound a lot like a doctor. The door opened. They looked at me.
"See Bryan is awake... what Bryan?!" Lo'Pho said in a bit of shock.
"W...well this isn't a dream right?" I asked weakly. I didn't mean to say it like that I don't want to worry them more especially.... suddenly I felt the right hug of Jakey. I hugged him back as I felt myself and probably Jakey calm down.
"P....please don't do that again Bryan w..we almost lost you." He said Jakey was at the brink of tears. I hugged him tighter.
"Trust me I don't plan to do anything like that for a long time." I said trying to help him stop crying I don't want my Jakey-poo to be like this. I kissed him on the cheek. He backed up a little; his face turning red and smiled a little.
"L0'Pho what happen exactly?" I asked him wanting to figure it how all of this worked out.
"Well when you went missing we started to look around for you. We saw a part of the first on fire and got there as fast as we could. I got there first and saw that you were unconscious and the man who we founded was Chris took you power. I was able to fight him off. Once he was out cold we brought both of you back to the Guild. We did a spell that we figured out thanks to Jakey and we were able to get you powers back but he died from the spell's karma." Okay so that's what happened.
"Are you two okay?" I asked just wanting to make sure.
"Yeah of course." Jakey said with a smile. I decided to try stand up and got out of bed.
"Bryan! Seriously your still recovering from having you magic stolen from you just take this slower." Lo'Pho said to me. Jakey went to make sure I was able to and I was.
"So now that he is gone What's next? Find Kay?A new important mission?" I asked as I looked at them.
"Probably both eventually but in a few days there is going to be a new match in the Grand Magic games. Apparently it's a team battle and we are partners Bryan."
"Well that's one thing to look toward too." I said smiling back.
"Well then I am going to check on a few things Jakey and you just make sure Bryan doesn't push himself?"
"O...of course Lo'Pho." Jakey said. Lo'Pho then left the room leaving us alone.
"So what magic did you use?" I asked wondering what he did to see what spell they had to use to save me... wow I didn't even realize how close I was to death. Really hope that something like that doesn't happen again.
"I...I was able to go back in time. I... Well we saw you on the mountain when he cast the spell..." he said his voice breaking up."
"J..Jakey look everything is okay we just need to forget about it right now. For now we just need to be happy that we are together again." I gave him another hug. When he pulled back I decided to do something I have never done before. I kissed him on the lips. I know that we have kissed eachother before but never on the lips. I just never knew when it was the right time. Something tells me it now. I made it short and quick. Pulling back as quickly as I went in. I could feel my face turn red.
"S...Sorry I didn't mean to do that it's just.... I thought."
"'s fine... B...Bryan.... I need that." He said looking at me.
"Come one lets do something together okay?" I asked.
(Words 1349) Sorry that took so long I hope everyone had a great Halloween. I hope you like the chapter and the shipping but rather than that I just did this chapter because I wanted tot give you a break of emotional stuff so yeah here you go.

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