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Lo'Pho's Point of view
I woke up in the night from the sound of footsteps. Who is up at this hour? I swear if it's another creature... I got out of bed getting my staff and sword. The footsteps were coming from outside of the building. I quietly crept out hoping that (idk how or why but that tuned into gay? Help me)  no one else was awake. By the time I got near the door I could hear the footsteps very well. It was probably just outside. I got out my staff ready to do my spell. Three, Two, One! I opens the door and screamed.
"Light Ray!" (I think that's the right spell) A ray of light came out of my staff. Turns out there were two people. One shoved a person out of the way and the other person got hit and flew a few feet backwards. The person on the ground that got moved out of the way I put  a sword to its neck.
"Okay Who are you and!... Jakey?!"
"L... Lo'Pho... I...I'm sorry if we scared you...we were just talking and walk..."
"Who else were you with?"
"M...me... Seriously you should see if it's us first before you attack us." It was Bryan. His clothes slightly singed from my attack and slowly walking up to me probably worried I would attack him again.
"Oh Sorry Bryan I thought you were a creature or intruder." I quickly used my magic to heal him.
"It's fine really." Bryan Said as he helped Jakey up."
"Now that's out of the way with why are you to up this late?"
"W...we were... j...just taking a walk?" Jakey asked in a question tone.
"Nightmare." Bryan said quickly.
"Of course... Lets come inside though it is very cold out here."
"I know I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed soon." We all went inside and sat at one of far tables.
"Now Who was it?"
"Me..." Bryan looked at me then replied.
"Just... Jakey heard me woke up from it and we decided to walk around as I told him..."
"What was it about?"
"B...Bryan said that there were three people talking. About... something... then they wanted to kill someone and everything went into flames."
"Yeah... I'm not really sure what it about."
"A memory perhaps?" Everyone was silent of a bit. Jakey was lost in thought. Bryan he... he looked around like he was trying to find something.
"Maybe." He said as he continued to look around the room.
"What are you looking for?"
"I just... feel like we are being watch." He stoped looking around.
"It's probably nothing." He said nervously. His eyes still trying to look in different directions of the area every one in a while.
"S...Sorry we didn't mean to w...wake you up Lo'Pho."
"No it's fine. At least I know my senses are still good right?"
"I still feel bad about that Bryan."
"It's fine. I understand. I would probably do the same thing." With the silence I could hear the lightest bit of tapping I have ever heard.
"Are any of you tapping your feet?"
"No? Why do you hear something?" I quickly got out of my seat.
"Let's just go outside and check." We made our way outside. I looked around to were the sound was but nothing was there.
"Okay maybe I am just hearing things." Suddenly I heard the sound of something slip.
"I'm not the only one that heard that right!"
"I heard it too." Bryan quickly got out his sword while Jakey looked around for the intrude or monster. We went back to back of each other.
"Looks like nothing is out here let's just." In the corner of my eye I saw someone. It was too dark to see who it was but someone was there. Just like that a ball of darkness came at us.
"Look out!" We all moved out of the way.
"Who's there! Do you need me to come to you or do you need me to come up to you!" I said keeping an eye on the man up in the building.
"Don't worry I can come to you." I watched him as he floated down from the sky. Most likely using his magic to help him fall safely to the ground. He wore some nice looking clothes but it still looks like he can fight with them. His hair was black with dark black eyes. In his hand he hold a silver staff with a dark orb.
"Hello Protectors."
"W...what... Who are you?" I hear Jakey say. I looked back at Bryan and Jakey. Jakey was openly trying to figure out if he should get help or not. Bryan instead of looking ready to fight looked confused.
"My name is Draven, I just wanted to talk to you."
"You could of waited till morning and not like a creep!" Bryan said.
"Heh... I can't lie I am surprised to see you..." suddenly a string of black magic came from his staff and it surrounded Bryan. It lifted him into the air getting him in a tight grip. He gasped as it squeezed him.
"Let him go!" I screamed as I summons a Ray Of light and he dodge like it was nothing.
"Jakey get everyone else!" Jakey nodded and ran back inside.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I could easily..." Bryan was lifted right next to him. Draven tighten the grip in his hand as the magic squeezed tighter. Bryan stoped his weapon to the ground.
"Use him as a shield and we wouldn't want that now do we?" This Draven really knows what he is doing.
"Lo'Pho!" I headed Bri and Kay say. Everyone from the guild came running outside.
"Don't attack it could do more harm than good." I heard Bri realizing the situation.
"Now that you are all here. I would like to make a deal."
"A deal?" Elena said looking at him with a bit of seriousness in her voice.
"Yes. Your friend here? Well he is worth a lot..."
"Of money? Anyone can have fire Dragon magic." Kay said.
"No even more than that. He well let's just say a weapon. I thought you would already know this?"
"K...know what B...Bryan?"
"I...I'm N...not keeping a...any s...secrets... I...I don't k...know w...what y..your..." suddenly he gasped and his muscles tense from the pain to the dark magic.
"Oh? I thought you would remember? Guess not."
"What this deal of yours?"
"Well... Give me your Friend and I won't destroy your guild."
"How can you destroy it?"
"Well, Come out." Suddenly our of the darkness a Large Brown Dragon came out of the trees. I don't know what type it is.
"I...It was you... controlling that dragon!"
"Dragon? Please... I have a lot more it's just this as your friend would know this type of  dragon can easily take down a guild like this.
"What is we don't agree?" Bri said.
"Well..." He pulled out a weapon and put it against Bryan's Neck.
"He dies. Your Guild will too. Now I have time and so do you. Tell me what is your wish deal or not deal.
"G...guys... just do it." Bryan said another squeezed but this time it made him pass out.
"Bryan!" Jakey cried out.
"What will it be?"
"Well why do you want him?" I asked already getting ready. I think we all agree on what we were going to say.
"Well. You. I know you Bri was it?" He pointed at Bri.
"You have heard of the legend right? The one about the thing that could end your precious war? He is my only way to end it so the humans can win!" The dragon let out a mighty roar. The ground shaped from it.
"It's just a legend. Nothing more. You know it's not real."
"Let's not waste any more time then. Deal or no Deal."
We all looked at each other. Already knowing the answer."
"No Deal!" We all said in unison.
"Of course. I mean I guess you would rather see your friend die rather than learn about it later..." He  made his sword go deep into the Bryan's throat.
"Bryan!" Then the sound of shattering.  The sword it shattered into a million pieces. Bryan's neck was filled with Dark Ruby scales. He wasn't awake though. The Dragon roared as the ground shook furiously below us. I was ready for the building. The guild to fall apart but. It never did. The Dragon didn't continue. He stopped.
"Hm. Well then. Looks like your friend is stopping it. Well then let's see how long it takes for you to realize the truth." Black smoke filled the air. I closed my eyes and waited for the smoke to clear. The Dragon and Draven we both gone. Bryan though laid on the ground.
"T...thank goodness that he didn't take Bryan with him." Jakey Dias as he ran up to Bryan.
"O...okay what just happen!" Kay said thing to proceed what just happens.
"I am just as confused as you Kay. Bri do you know about any of this?"
"I think... No, Sorry I don't what just happened."
"It's okay. Let's get inside I... can I look at some of your other Dragon books Bri?"
"I was going to do the same thing. It will be faster if we do it together."
"Okay I will heal up Bryan then I will meet you upstairs." Suddenly A bright light flared in my eyes. I don't even realize it was already Morning.
(1640 words) Hello hope you like the chapter. I didn't even mean to make it long today but I hope you like it anyway.

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