Shadow Dragon

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Hey guys we got to 2000 reads something I didn't think would happen for a while but it did! Also um...
I have a number 1 ranking now...
2.5k reads and over 200 votes now so fast has shocked me. I don't know what to say really. The main reason why I made this was the get my idea out and to make others happy. So This means I made a lot of people happy. I hope you like the chapter and I'm sorry if it feels fast pace.
Bryan's point of view
We running to the village in a couple of seconds. Everyone wants to help everyone in the village of course. I do too, but in all honesty I just want to see the dragon. The only dragon I have seen is my fire dragon. If I remember correctly then the dragon is probably attacking out of rage. Lo'Pho Who way flying above is started to talk about the plan.
"Okay we are almost here. Everyone first we need to get everyone out of the village then we will deal with the dragon. Bryan if the dragon attacks the people then I need you to distract it."
"Don't... worry... I will." I said I'm between breaths. Soon we reached the village well let's say we smell it before we saw it. The amount of smoke in the air was some of the worst I've seen. The town was in flames but they weren't normal flames. They glowed a fluorescent green. I soon saw what I wanted to see, a dragon. This Dragon is a male and from what I can tell a Shadow Fire breed. They are the only dark creatures that can use magic without it taking parts of there soul. The dragon was close to the size of an elder just a little younger. It was a dark black and grey. Its eyes green.
"Okay everyone let's do this." We all nodded and rushed into the village. I went to help people who were stuck it in to much panic to get out of the village. I looked around a bit more and saw no-one else.
"Clear over here. I'd thee anyone else?!" I called out or everyone going they could hear me through the crawling fire and the sounds of the Dragons's Roars.
"Clear for me too!" I heard Jakey And Kay say at the same time. I soon saw Lo'Pho who was doing a final sweep of the area.
"Okay let's see if we can calm this dragon down." Lo'Pho called as he started to head to the dragon. I went to where he was. Staring on top of a few builds making him seem taller than he actually was. Soon I meet up with Jakey and Kay.
"Hello dragon could you calm down? I know your made but you are looking a few pole and..." Lo'Pho said nervously a roar filled the air as the sky seems to turn green with flames.
"Lo'Pho!" Kay cried out.
"It's okay I'm fine." We heard Lo'Pho said. I blinked and looked to Jakey who was gone. I looked around for him to see him of the roof of a building. How did he? Right time magic. Jakey started to use his magic. I don't know what he was trying to use it for. I watched as the dragon growled.
"J...Jakey be carful!" I called out to him. Suddenly the dragon head turn and looked at Jakey in the eyes. Fear running through me for him. I started get up to where he was. I do not want him to get hurt. Suddenly a roar and I watched as the dragon used his paw to attack Jakey. He was quickly sweeper off the building.
"Jakey!" I called out. Without even thinking I felt myself transform. My scales and goes came out of me. I felt my wings come out as a strong energy filled me. With my wings on by back I flew to Jakey and caught him before he hit the ground.
"Jakey?! Are you okay? Probably not but please don't die on me now." Having a freakin panic attack on a mission isn't a good idea.
"I..I'm fine Bryan. I... It got my arm. I'm not dead." He said. I looked at his arm to see a deep claw mark. (Blood waring) his blue sleeve already turing red with blood.
"Lo'Pho!" I called out to him. Kay and Lo'Pho came over.
"Lo'Pho I will see what I can do help Jakey before he bleed out." I said then without a money hesitation I opens my wings and flew into the air. I went up to the Shadow Dragon.
"What are you doing? Hurting innocent people for what? Rage! I know this war is on everyone edge but this isn't the answer this so only going to make things worse!" I went up close to his face. I looked at him in the eyes and saw something I didn't see before in the distance. Pain.
Why would I see pain in his eyes he is the one hurting others. A feeling tugged me to a thought I haven't thought about of a while. Dark Dragon magic. Someone is controlling this Dragon.
"Guys this Dragon it's under a spell! We need to..." The dragon roar again and opens its wings. Fire filled the air I flew down to escape it. The dragon attacked me and I didn't want to attack back.
"How do we break the spell!" I hear Kay call out to me as I tried to distract the dragon.
"Someone is controlling him. Find the person he shouldn't be far." I went up the the dragon as close as I could without it noticing. Suddenly a pain of flames came at me. I closed my eyes as I felt the pain of heat burn through me. I open my eyes and looked at the dragon my eyes still blurry from the heat of the flames I was... chains? These chain were black and green just like the dragon but the moment I blinked they disappeared. I was surprised when I looked at myself to see no burn marks on my cloths or skin. Must be from the form I am in. Trying my best to remember what I saw I went the area I could see the chains most clearly around the chest. I went up the the dragons chest and reached my hand toward. I could feel magic. Not magic from the dragon but I think it s from the chain. I need to break the chains.
"Bryan! What are you doing?"
"I think I know how to fix this." I said to Lo'Pho and got the feat of the dragon before he could attack my I used my magic. I summoned a fire circle around me. Okay let's see if this work.
"Fire Dragon Roar!" I screamed as loud as I could. I felt the heat comes from off my staff it the dragon. The flames running through the dragon but unlike my magic usually does the females didn't stop. I closed my eye to concentrate on the spell. I don't know what really happened next. I felt the flames move through the dragon then I couldn't feel a thing.
Lo'Pho's Point of view
Kay was looking around for the person Bryan claims thee is around the town. I made sure to stay with Jakey to make sure he didn't get more hurt then he already did.
"Fire Dragon Roar!" I heard Bryan call out. I looked up to see his normal attack. What is he doing that wouldn't do anything against a dragon. I watched as his attack hit the dragon chest waiting for the flames to run out and see his next attack but the flames never died. I watched as the flames ran around the dragon against his wings and neck, Tail and head. Bryan head was down his wings tucked into his back. I couldn't help but look in shoehorn Bryan egret stoped torching the ground within a few seconds of the spell. Jakey passed out from the blood loss but I was able to heal his wound. So without anything to worry about I flew to Bryan. I looked at him closely to see the same form I saw form last time. Something was different thought. His eyes were open and instead of being the piercing animals like yellow they were glowing a bright orange. I watched as his finales slowly seem to take shape. The shapes of a chains. Within moments of the flames taking a shape the sound of shattering glass filled the air. Bryan flew backwards as the chain broke. He turns back to normal and I caught him beige he flew back any farther. Bryan wasn't out cold but breathing heavily and looked up at the dragon. The Dragon let out a roar then looked down at us. His breathing was calm but could be heard from a mile away. He let out a sigh smoke coming out of his nostrils. He looked at us in the eye. Bryan was dreading himself up the walked toward the dragon.
"Bryan what are you doing?"
"J...just let me do this." Bryan went up the the dragon his legs still shaking.
"Go." Bryan said to the dragon and with that the dragon flew into the air. Before it left the dragon let out another burr of fire from its mouth. If flew thought the air. Some of it came down at Bryan and surround him. Then the moments the flames died the dragon was also gone.
"T...that was...."
"Bryan! I found someone in the forest they ran off before I could see thee face but you were right they seems to be doing a spell. The moment they saw me they ran off."
"So the Dragon was under someone's control. How did you know Bryan..." I looked at him to see him holding his left arm.
"Bryan are you okay?" I asked worriedly.
"Y...yeah I'm fine it just hurts a little."
"Bryan let me see." I took his arm and rolled up his sleeve I saw a marking?

" I took his arm and rolled up his sleeve I saw a marking?

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Wait, I've seen this before. At the end of the book at Bryan let me read. The last part of the book I couldn't read but I know that is had to be important. I remember trying to translate I but no books seemed to have the language it seems to be written in.
"Bryan have you always had this?"
"Do you know what this means?"
"Yes, at the end of the book. It talked about Dragon Protectors. You know if you are one of this marking shows up on your left arm..."
"Bryan. Your telling me that your a Dragon Protector?"
"I mean it looks like I am now... Wait where is Jakey?!"
"He passed out form blood loss so right new he is resting it but rather than that he is okay."
"We should wait for him to wake up then we can start our way back..."
"I'm already awake Bryan. What's what on your arm anyway?"
"That's not important right now. Right now we need to fix this town up and make sure you are okay."
"I feel fine just a little dizzy I can use my time magic to reverse the dangers houses."
"Okay once we are done with that we will go back to guild and Bryan we really need to talk about this with everyone."
"I know."
(1952 words) made it extra long for you guys I hope you like it.

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