You broke me..

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It had been two days since Jughead broke up with her, two days since he told her that he didn't love her, she didn't knew why, tree days ago he had told her that he loved her and that he would never leave her, and know she was sitting in her room, crying and wondering what she did wrong, why he couldn't love her and why she still love him, even when he broke her heart she couldn't stop loving him. She was sitting in her window, crying and looking at the stars when someone knocked on her door. it couldn't be her parents because they weren't home, and would first come home in 2 weeks. She wiped her tears away "who..snift..who is it?" "Betts it's me" what was he doing here... "what do you want?" she said not trying to sound like she has been crying the last couples days, even though she has been crying non stop since he left her. "can you please open the door so we can talk?" she got up and walked slowly over to the door, her heart was screaming "DO IT! run into his arms again, and tell him you still love him", but her head was saying "DON'T! he is going to hurt you again if you open the door" She was about to open when her hand freeze, she couldn't open it..He couldn't see he like this "please Betts....i really want to tell you why i broke up with you" she could hear that he began to cry, it was ripping her more apart to hear him like this. She opened the door to see that him broken, he looked awful, he had bruises on his hands and arms and a big black eye, his lip was bleeding and his clothes were dirty. "you broke me Jug..." he tried to take a step closer to her, but when he did she took a step away from him. "I'm sorry Betts..I really am, but-" "but what Jug? you told me the one thing no one wants to hear..You told me you didn't love me, and that you never had" tears fell down her chin again, and she wiped them quickly away. "i know and i'm so so sorry Betts...But she was going to kill you and i couldn't forgive myself if you died, i rather break your heart than get you killed.." her heart stopped for a second and her body froze "i know you don't want to speak to me ever again, but i need to tell you that, i didn't stop loving you...I still love you Betts and i have always loved you" " love me?" "yes..and i'm so so sorry for breaking your heart" he was about to turn around and walk away when she grabbed his arm and pulled him into a kiss. All things stopped around them and her heart healed again, she was finally where she wanted to be. His arms around her waist and her hands around his neck, her lips that tasted of summer and even when she has cried she is beautiful, none of them wanted to stop the kiss, but they both needed air, a big smile was forming on his lips and he couldn't stop. He had miss everything about her, he took her into a long passion hug and she buried her face into the hook of his neck/shoulder. When she looked at him again, his smile disappeared, and a worried look came on his face. "i thought i was going to lose you..." "i'm right here Juggy, and i'm not going to let you go again, not this time" she took him onto a kiss again and she couldn't stop smiling. "but why are you looking so awful Jug?" "um i may have been into a huge fight with some of the serpents..." "Here let me help you" she took his hand and found the bathroom. "sit down" He sat down and she found the First Aid Kit and gave him a bandage on around his hand. After cleaning all of his bruises she was cleaning up when he pulled her down in his lap, he began to kiss her neck and leaving some small hickeys. "Jug i try to pack this away." "it can wait, i have really missed you baby" he turned her around and she wrapped her legs around his waist, she began to kiss him and he carried her into the bedroom, not breaking the kiss. He laid her down on the bed and she took off his shirt. And that night a new love story began.

sorry for a very short story, but i have a little writers block...

only 785 words without this part

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