Trust II

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When Betty woke up she quickly realised that she wasn't in her own bed.. She was in Jughead's bed and then all the memories came back from the night before, oh no, oh fuck she thought to herself, what have she done? "Betts?" Jughead came in and he hadn't anything on beside his boxers. His hair was still a little wet after the shower. She bite her lip a little and looked him up and down "i see your finally awake, slept well?" "absolutely" "good" he sat down and gave her a morning kiss, but she wanted more, she took her arms around his neck, and he crawled slowly over her, but then someone knocked on the door. "i have to bb" She just rolled her eyes and smiled "It's okay" he took on some pants and opened the door, it was no one other than Veronica Lodge Jughead's ex. "Veronica ?" he asked very surprised because she broke up with him 2 weeks ago . "Juggy..." "what are you doing here?" "i i just...i didn't know where else to go, can i come in?" she was about to go inside when she realised that he didn't let her "um actually no you can't, i'm very busy right now" "what can you possibly do so early in this morning without a shirt on...wait a second..OMG" "seriously you need to go Veronica!" And then she pushed him away and saw her best friend sitting with a blanket around her "Betty?" "Oh um hi V" "omfg how could you? You knew i wasn't over him yet" "it's not what it looks like" "oh it isn't?" "No V it's not" "so it isn't my best friend who just slept with my ex?" "No V i mean it! nothing ever happened, I just slept here because Archie and i just broke up and Jughead has been sleeping on the couch!" "really?" "Yes Veronica" Jughead said before Betty could say anything, Veronica turned around and looked at him before she turned back around and said "I believe you, but only because you are my Best friend B, and also because i know you would never sleep with him" and then she turned around and walked out, Jughead closed the door and turned around and looked at Betty who couldn't hide her tears "Betts" "no Juggy, it's so wrong what we did, and when she finds out, she going to hate me" he walked over to her and sat down on the bed. "Look Betts, yeah maybe she is going to be mad, but she isn't going to hate you, she really loves you, and we're not together anymore" He took her hand and she looked at him, she leaned in and started to kiss him. "HOW COULD YOU?" They both looked surprised, when they realised that Veronica was standing in the door sieling with tears down her face" "I KNEW IT! OMG I HATE YOU" No V i'm sorry it's not" "JUST STOP, okay i can clearly see that you like him, i thought you where better than that" "I am V, i really i am, and i'm so sorry for hurting your feelings, i just i didn't knew that this was going to happened" "bullshit, i hate you! I hate both of you and i'm never going to forgive you" "NO V" and then she slammed the door, Betty began to cry and panicking, she just lost her best friend because she couldn't control her feelings. Jughead tried to take her hand, but she didn't want him to touch her. It was his fault, if he just had let her alone that night, she wouldn't had end up in his bed. "NO DON'T TOUCH ME" "Listen Betts" "no just leave me alone..." He didn't wanted to leave her alone, he really loved her and it ripped him apart to see her so sad and ruined because Veronica couldn't be happy for her. She began to take her clothed on when she couldn't find her shirt. She cried and cried and cried, she couldn't stop. How could she be so stupid. He hated to see her like this, he got up and walked over to her, she was sitting on the floor crying and wishing she wasn't here. He sat down next to her and took her into his chest, he hugged her and whispered in her ear "Look i know you don't want to talk to me, but i need you to know that no matter what i love you" She looked up at him and didn't know what to say, did he really just tell her that he loved her? No it couldn't be true. "Jug" "no you don't have to say anything, it's fair if you not love me back, i just needed you to know" "Jug" "Please don't Betts i" "Jug shut up, i love you too" He hugged her tight and kissed her lightly. Then he carried her over to the bed again and then they laid down and began to cuddle, after some days together Betty started to act differently, like she was hiding something from him, and she was. She was hiding something from him because she didn't knew how to tell him that she was pregnant and he was the father. After 2 weeks he finally confronted her, "look Betty we need to talk" "I know...i have something to tell you" "you have?" "Yes.. and i'm scared to telling you this because i don't know how you are going to react" She looked away and tried not to let the tears fell down "tell me Betts" "i'm..I'm pregnant and you're the father..." "what?" His heart skipped some beats and he almost fell back. "when did you found out?" "2 weeks ago..." "why didn't you tell me? do you really think i'm ready to this? to be a father" "no i don't, but if you think i'm ready to be a mother you're wrong...I'm not and i'm really scared, but please Juggy" She tried to take his hands but he took a step back "Please don't do this right know Betts...i i can't do this, i can't handle this mistake right now i need some time" "Mistake?" she almost whispered it while tears started to run down her face She took her jacket and then turned around and was about to leave, but before she walked out she said "Don't worry about you taking time, i will do it alone, i will take MY mistake and handle it WITHOUT YOU!" and then she slammed the door as hard as she could. And then he realized that he just fucked it all up, he had just lost her and the baby. "FUCK". How could he be so stupid? it was not a mistake, it was a mirakel, and now he has just ruined it everything. He started to run out the building to see if he could find her, but when he got down on the streets he saw her sitting in a taxi on it's way out of the town. "no no no NO NO, BETTY!" He tried to call her, but she hung up. He turned around and walked back inside, Fangs and Sweet Pea was sitting in the bar "hey what's up Boss?" "I will be away the next couple days to some business meeting, so you guys are going to run this place while i'm gone okay?" "oh um yeah sure" Then he got up to his apartment and started packing some of his stuff, his plan plan was to find her no matter what, he took his jacket and got down to his car. He packed his stuff and began to drive, when he got a call. "Is this Jughead Jones?"

1326 words without this part

A part 3 (the last part) will come soon

please tell me what you guys would like to read in my next Story

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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