I'm not leaving you

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It was a normal Sunday in Riverdale, it was raining and Betty Cooper was sitting in her couch with a blanket wrapped around her seeing her favorite movie, her parents were on a business trip and her sister was with her boyfriend.

Betty was enjoying being home alone, she wasn't wearing anything else besides her underwear. Her hair was down and she didn't bothered to wear any makeup.

Jughead's Pov

I was happy that it was finally Sunday because that meant that Betty and I are was going to the theater, i had been a lot with the serpents lately, and Betty had been with some guy, i hated the fact that she was with him all the time and not me, but i knew she would never cheat on my.

 I walked up to her front door to open when I realized that there was locked, normally she wouldn't lock the door unless she was home alone and not expecting me to come over, I knocked lightly on the door. Betty opened the door and my jaw dropped.
She was wearing Black laze underwear, her hair down and no makeup. She was having a big soft blanket around her. Her nose was a little red, she was clearly sick
"Oh Juggy oh fuck was it today we had a date?" "Yes Betts, but it's okay. You look a little sick, are you okay?"
"I have a painful headache and my stomach hurts, every time I eat it will come up again, my feet are swollen and I'm cold" 

3 persons pov
She sat down at the couch again and Jughead sat down next to her, she cuddle up next to him and he wrapped his arms around her, after some minutes she fell asleep, he got up and carried her upstairs and into her room, when he placed her on her bed, she woke up and gave him a little smile.

"Are you gonna stay with me?"
"If you want me to"
"I have something to tell you"
"What it is baby?"
But before she could answer him she fell a sleep
Hours went by and Betty woke up to the sound of Jughead talking with someone on the phone
"Yes dad I'm aware of that....no I mean- no that couldn't be the reason. Okay I will ask her, oh and I'm probably going to stay here the night over. Bye dad" 

She wrapped the sheets up over her shoulders and Jughead walked back into the bedroom.
"Good Morning princess, slept well?"
He gave her a little kiss and she smiled
"Who were you talking to?"
"Oh just my dad, nothing to worry about" 

Betty nodded slowly and looked down. Her smiled dropped a little, a tear appeared in the corner of her eye, Jughead sat down on the bed and gently moved his indexfinger under her chin, so he could look her directly into her eyes.

"What's wrong baby?" 
"It's just..."
"You can tell me everything baby"
"I have something to tell you, but i know you're gonna hate me after this"
"I could never hate you Betts, never!"
"I'm- i'm pregnant Jug"

His heart dropped and he stepped away from the bed, how? how could this happen, they always used protection, unless...

"I'm so so sorry Jug, i- i don't not know what to do" 
She got up and walked over to him, but when she tried to take his hand, he took a step back, he wasn't ready to be father, if it even was his. 
"Please Jug, i know that we're young, but-" 
"Is it mine?"
Her heart stopped, did he really just ask that? How could he even think that she ever could cheat on him.

"You heard me Betty. Is it mine?" 
"What? Of course it's yours, did you really think that i would cheat on you?"
"I don't know, you have been together with that boy a lot"
"what Kevin?"
"i don't fucking know his name, i just fucking know that you have been with him a lot the last couples weeks, and know you're fucking pregnant"
"Unbelievable, you're fucking jealous."
"What the fuck does that means?" 
"You're fucking jealous because i have been with a GAY GUY INSTED OF YOU,  but do you know why? huh? No maybe because my fucking boyfriend has been with the serpents all the fucking time"
"so you're mad about the fact that i only have one fucking place to stay. One place Betty."
"No i mad because you always pick the serpents before me....im fucking tires of being your second choice" 
"You're not my second choice Betts, you will always be my first choice, you know that" 
"wait 5 weeks?"
"That means-"
"yes it was on you're birthday"

He got closer to her, but she took a step back.
"no please go"
"Please Betts"
"No Jug, you hurt me, please go i dont want you here right now."
He turned around and was about to go out the door, when something inside stopped him, what was he doing, why was he going, why was he leaving her. If he leaved her now, she would be alone and broked, he couldn't leave her, not now, not ever. 

"I'm not leaving you, not now, not ever"
"Please Jug"
"No i don't care what you're saying, i'm staying you like it or not"

He walked over to her, her tears was falling like small drops, and her eyes was red. He wiped her tears away and she lay her head inside his hand, she looked at him.

"I'm so so sorry Betts"

She leaned in and gave him a kiss, he kissed her back and pulled her into a hug. 
He meant it, he was never going to leave her.

933 words
sorry the bad writhing 

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