The locker room

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She was so mad at him, when Veronica had told her she saw him with another girl, she wanted to scream, everything inside her began to boil and she felt a strange feeling growing in her body. She was going to ignorering him, she knew they weren't together together, and he could flirt who ever he wanted to, but it hurt her that he would flirt around with them. She decided to stay a little longer in the locker room after cheerleader practice just to clear her thoughts. As she got out the shower and wrapped the towel around her body, he opened the door, she turned around, but before she could say anything he pushed her against the wall and got closer to her lips, his breath was smelling of cigarettes and mint, his eyes was darker than usual and his hand was resting against her hip. Her heart was beating faster than usual and she was angry, but still turned on by the fact that she wasn't wearing any clothes and his body was under 10 cm from her.

"I have missed you princess"

His hand was sliding further down and it was clear that he was only here for one thing. 


He looked confused at her, he read her like an open book when he saw it, she was angry or more like sad. It hurt him to see her sad, he hated the fact that something or someone had made her feel like this.

"You seem angry, what's wrong?"
"And? why do you care"
"Cut the attitude princess and tell me what's wrong"

She rolled her eyes and tried to push him away, but he just moved his body even more closer to her.

"Tell me Betts"
"Why the fuck do you even care, don't you have a girl to fuck"
"Yes i have, but i'm not gonna fuck her while she's fucking angry, so why don't you tell me why you're mad"
"Because V saw you with an another girl yesterday"
"So this is what it's about, your friend saw with my sister and now you think i cheated on you"
"It was my fucking sister i was with"

How could she be stupid, she looked away and tried to stay calm.

"But hey why do you even care i mean we aren't together"
"Just leave it okay"
"No Tell me why"
"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU okay? i'm tired of not being anything else than sex to you, i'm tired to hear all the girls talk about you around me, i'm tired of seeing you with other girls, flirting with them when your just using me for one thing"
"Who the fuck says i'm using you"
"Then why the fuck am i only existing when you're only horny?
"That's some bullshit, i give you all my time and love every fucking day"
"Oh really? so you don't flirt with other girls and you don't pretend like we're friends when we're around people?"
"I told you i didn't wanted a relationship, but that dosen't mean i'm using you"

She felt her heart stop for a second and she wanted to cry, she couldn't keep living like this, she wanted a relationship, a boy who loved her like she loved him

"I shouldn't have agreed to do this, we can't keep doing this, i'm ending it."
"What why?" 

He felt his anger build up inside his body, and he wanted to scream. He loved this girl and he wanted her, but he couldn't give her what she wanted, he wasn't good enough for her.

"I Want a relationship Jug, i don't want to be someones second choice when they're bored"
"You're not my second choice, you're my only choice, what about all the nights i called you because my dad was beating me, and you said i could sleep at your place, how many times haven't i been there when your where sad, what about all the times i took you out of your house because the press was to much?"
"No because you only think i'm using you, it's not because i don't want you Betty it's just because i'm not good for you, but hey that's fine, i mean clearly i don't have feelings"

He turned around and walked out, as he slammed the door she realized what just happened. She had really fuck this up and it was tearing her apart.

"fuck this"

She opened the door and ran up to him not caring all the people who was starring at her. She grabbed his wrist and made him stop, he turned around to see her standing there in front of him with only a towel around her. She attacked his lips and everbody began to whistle, he grabbed her waste and pulled her closer to him, and they began to make out.

As she pulled away he looked at her with so much desire.

"I'm so so sorry for thinking you where using me, i want you all of you, and i know you say you aren't good for me, but please give us a chance i really love you and i don't want to lose you"
"Damn i love you girl"

He grabbed her waist and pulled her into a big hug and spinning her around.

"Betty Cooper will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
"Of course"

869 words

I know the ending was kinda weird and rushed, but i don't have any inspiring right now and i dont know why

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