A one night stand (2)

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idk what this is, but i hope you like it

The sun was shining trough the thin curtains, the air was cold from the open window and the rain was falling like dust. Betty cuddle closer to the naked boy forgetting what happen last night. He wrapped his arms around her, moving her closer to his chest. She smiled to herself and enjoyed the silent moment.

"Morning beautiful"

The boy said, his voice still soft and his breath still smelling like cigarettes and mint , she turned around to look at him, his eyes where shut, and his lips was forming a smile. She bit her lip and smiled even more, she could get used to this, his warm hands forming on her body, his damn smile that could make her forget who she was and his soft voice there was filled with so much desire and love. Her smile disappeared for a second, she remembered...It was only a one night stand nothing more. He opened his eyes starring at the naked girl in his bed, he smiled to himself before her grabbed her and pulled her even closer.

"Are you hungry?"

The tired boy asked as he pulled the blankets further up over them, she smiled again and just nodded, he waited some second before he sat up and grabbed his boxers, she couldn't stop herself from starring at him, his perfect toned abs, his soft brown hair and his perfect ocean blue eyes, he was perfect. She grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around her body, he grabbed his pants and his shirt, she bit her lip trying not to stare at the young serpent in front of her, but it was impossible, she literally eye fucked him. As he putted his shirt over his head, he looked at her. 

"It's rude to eye fuck people"

Her cheeks began too blush and she looked down trying to hide her smile. He sat down in front of her and grabbed her chin, so she was looking at him again. 

"You weren't supposed to see it"
"Dont worry baby, i eye fucked you the entire time yesterday in the cellar"

She giggled and he moved closer to her, her heart began to pump faster and she felt herself get nervous, why was he doing it to her? He kissed her and she felt the sparkles around them, this kiss was diffrent, it wasn't like when they kissed last night, no there was so much more love in this kiss. He pulled away and she couldn't stop smiling.

"i'm gonna get us something to eat, stay here i'll be right back"

He grabbed his serpent jacket and headed out. She grabbed her underwear not bothering to find her bra, as she moved around the room she found a dark grey shirt with a huge S on, she decided to take it on now that her own dress was torn into two pieces. It was a little big, but not much it covered her ass so it was find. She walked into his bathroom not sure why, she was about to go back to the bed when someone opened the door, his eyes was skimming her body, and a huge smirk grew on his lips. He closed the door with his foot and walked over to the kitchen table, as he sat down the bags she walked over to him, she was in a mood for playing.

"you looked better in nothing"

She just giggled and he grabbed her arm pulling her into a long loving kiss, she wrapped her arms around his waist and he grabbed her ass pulling her up on the table, she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him even closer to her. She smiled into his mouth and he pulled slowly away from her, looking at her. 

"so i bought us some pops"

Her eyes lighten up like a kid Christmas eve, she hugged him and he just laughed.

"Pops is my favourite, but my mother never let me eat it"
"What why?"
"Because she said i was to fat, and i would only getting fatter if i ate it"
"You're not fat! You're perfect and beautiful."
"thank you Juggie, or should i call you Forsythe Pendelton Jones III"
"How do you know my name?"

She just shrugged her shoulders and jumped down form the kitchen counter, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into place between him and the kitchen counter.

"Where do you think you're going princess?"
"oh i thought you said you where hungry"
"I am, but the food are here"
"Are you sure about that?"

She got up to his ear and whispered 

"Because i have something you can eat"

She bit her lip and gave him a wink, before she walked away, he pulled his shoes off and his jacket and grabbed her wrist again, turning her around and attacking her lips. He grabbed her ass and pushed her down onto the bed. 

"Baby i'm not gonna be gentle this time"

He attacked her lips again and removed the shirt revealing her naked body.

"Damn you're so beautiful"

820 words 

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