Chapter 2

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 2 of Book 1: New Revelations! If you don't remember where we left off, I'll remind you. Emma and Hugo just figured out that Marinette and Adrien, their parents, are Ladybug and Chat Noir. Also, I decided that Emma's best friend is going to be Alyssa and she has a twin brother, Alan. (Helps the story build-up.) If you didn't read that in Chapter 1, now you know. Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

I ignored Mom and Dad's pleas as I hugged Hugo and Louis tighter and tighter. Tears rolled down my cheeks, soaking into Hugo and Louis' shirts. Hugo pulled away, worry apparent in his eyes. He asked, "Emma, are you alright?" I nodded and smiled sadly, continuing to stroke Louis' hair and rub Hugo's shoulder.

I took a shaky breath and pulled away from Louis. My priority right now was to get Hugo and Louis ready for bed so they can wake up tomorrow to go to school. I wouldn't want them to be affected just because of some family drama. Louis looked up at me while I wiped the tears away. 

I took another shaky breath and said to Hugo and Louis, "Guys, tonight you're going to sleep in my room, ok? Mom and Dad have been hiding something from us for a long time now. Hugo, you know what I'm talking about. Louis, I'll tell you another time. You wouldn't understand. Now, I want you to get ready for bed." Hugo and Louis nodded. They didn't know what I was planning, I could see the confusion in their eyes, but they trust me and know that whatever I do, it will be for their own good.

We were all in our pajamas already, so Hugo and Louis climbed into my king size bed. I tucked them in and kissed their foreheads. "Goodnight." I whispered to them. Before I walked away, Louis grabbed my wrist. He asked, "Emma, are you ok? Why are Mommy and Daddy banging on your door? And why were you crying?"

I gave him a sad smile and knelt down next to him to stroke his hair gently. Hugo was also facing me, but while Louis was wearing a curious expression, Hugo's was stoic. He wasn't happy that Mom and Dad had kept such a big secret from us too. I replied, "Mom and Dad have kept a huge secret from us. It's... uh... complicated. I wouldn't tell you to keep you... safe. But if you want, I'll tell you."

Louis shook his head and replied, "It's ok Emma. I'm sure that you have your reasons for not telling me. I trust you." I smiled and kissed his forehead once more, grateful that I had such understanding brothers. I stood up, went to the door and turned off the lights, enveloping my room in almost complete darkness. The only light came from the moonlight that shined through the door that led to my balcony. I walked over to the door, opened it and stepped through, then closed the curtain behind me. 

I sighed as I laid down on my balcony chair, looking up at the stars in the sky. I took out my emergency pillow and blanket from out under the chair. I always kept a pillow and a blanket underneath my chair in case I wanted to go star gazing or I couldn't sleep.

Tears dripped down my face, tears I didn't know I had shed until I tasted their saltiness. Stop it, Emma. You need to stop crying. Hugo and Louis are counting on you to take care of them, now that we can't trust Mom and Dad. I chided myself while furiously trying to wipe the tears off my face. I leaned back and just let the tears flow down my cheeks. It was pointless trying to stop them. The tears just kept on flowing and flowing.

The night's events had obviously taken their toll on me. I was crying my eyes out. The emotional strain it had on me was finally showing. I could taste sadness, anger and bitterness in the tears. (If that makes any sense.) After tossing and turning for a few hours, I finally fell asleep, tears streaking my face and my mind an emotional mess.

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