Chapter 3

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 3 of Book 1: New Revelations! I need to say something guys. TYSM FOR THAT VOTE! (Given to me by Elsaa. Go check her out.) You don't know how much this means to me. Btw, I decided that there won't be a designing competition. (Why? Because I don't want it anymore and I can change the story whenever I like because I'm the author.) Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

Alan Lahiffe?

Alan Lahiffe?! 


Alyssa, I'm so going to kill you for doing this to me.

I turned to face the girl in question, only to find her smirking at me. I blushed a deep red and looked down on the ground. I didn't have time for this right now. I calmed my flaming face and looked back up to see Alan smiling at me. I gave him a weak smile back. Maybe this was going to be alright.


I'm still going to kill Alyssa for this.

Ms Bustier clapped her hands as the rest of the class had started discussing excitedly about the arrival of the mini celebrity. Once the class had quieted down, Ms Bustier continued, "Now, don't get too excited. I expect you all to know what to do and what not to do. Now, I'm going to need someone to bring Alan around after school today."

I was going to raise my hand, but I remembered that I had to fetch Hugo and Louis after school today. Oh well. The rest of my class was going crazy, except Alyssa, since Alan is her brother and everything. They were all screaming, "Ms Bustier, pick me!" "No, me! I love you Alan Lahiffe!" "You better pick me, Ms Bustier, or I'm going to call my mother!" Ms Bustier looked around the room with a lost expression on her face, which was understandable seeing as we always seem dead whenever she's teaching us. Alan looks pretty calm. As famous as he is, he's probably used to fans screaming in his face.

Ms Bustier finally pointed at me and said, "Emma, I'm putting you in charge of bringing Alan around. Show him where the cafeteria is and stuff. I'm counting on you Emma." I stared at Ms Bustier with wide eyes and an open mouth. Alan looked equally as shocked. Alyssa had to bite her fist to keep from laughing. Out of all the students in the class, why oh why did Ms Bustier have to choose me?!

I glared at Alyssa before turning to Ms Bustier. I said, "Sorry Ms Bustier. I can't bring Alan around after school today. I have... something that I need to do. Could you choose someone else?" Ms Bustier waved her hand and said, "Don't worry Emma. It would only take half an hour or so. You can take Alan around then go do whatever you have to do."

"But-" I protested.

"No buts. I trust that you will take good care of our new friend, right Emma?" Ms Bustier interrupted. I nodded glumly. Alyssa was doubling over in silent giggles. She thought this entire situation was hilarious, I know. I glared at her harshly. If looks could kill, Alyssa would already be five feet deep. 

Ms Bustier said, "Ok Alan, go sit next to Kace in the front row." Alan nodded and quickly sat down. Ms Bustier said, "Alright. Now that everything's out of the way. Let's begin the lesson. Today we..." I didn't hear the rest of what Ms Bustier said. I was too busy thinking about Alan. I can't believe he had come back. Alyssa had a lot of explaining to do. 

I looked up at the clock impatiently. There was still 3 hours of lesson left until I could kill Alyssa, if the wait didn't kill me first. I let out an anxious sigh and tried to focus on what Ms Bustier was teaching, but each time I tried, my mind wandered further and further away. But it always went back to the topic of Alan. It was frustrating and confusing.

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