Chapter 11

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 11 of Book 1: New Revelations! 😀😀😀 Do you guys want me to write another MLB fanfic? Let me know in the comments section below. 👇👇👇 Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV


I leaped out of my seat in shock. I half expected them to smile and say it was all a joke, then tell us the real plan. But no. Mom and Dad's expressions were dead serious. Hugo and Louis were looking at Mom and Dad with their mouths hanging open. Tikki and Plagg were floating above Mom and Dad's heads, trying to gauge my reaction.

I waved my hands in the air and exclaimed, "You have got to be kidding me!" Mom and Dad shook their heads slowly. Tikki said, "Marinette and Adrien are serious Emma. You are going to be the next Ladybug." I started pacing around the room, my hands at my waist and chewing my bottom lip. Hugo recovered from his shock first and exclaimed, "Emma! You're going to be the next Ladybug?! That is so cool!" I whirled around and glared at my brother. I retorted, "Having everyone count on you to save them is not cool!"

I turned to Mom and Dad and said, "Besides there are tons of loopholes in your plan." Mom raised her eyebrows at me and asked, "Well, what are they sweetie?" I sighed in exasperation and replied, "First, I look exactly like you. How many people look exactly like you?! They'll know I'm Emma Agreste for sure. Second, don't most Ladybugs and Chat Noirs fall in love with each other at some point? I definitely don't want that to happen, especially if..." I gestured at Dad when I said the last bit.

Mom, Dad, Tikki and Plagg all had amused expressions on their faces. Hugo was smiling broadly. Probably at the aspect of me becoming Ladybug. Louis was still staring at Mom and Dad with his mouth hanging open. "How many people have dark blue hair and bluebell eyes? The people of Paris are oblivious. They took forever to figure out Ladybug's identity, and that was only because Marinette practically announced it to the whole wide world."

I had to admit they were right. Before I could say anything, Dad opened his mouth and said, "And you don't have to worry about the second loophole, because I'll be choosing a new Chat Noir." "WHAT?! I exclaimed in surprise once more. This day was just full of surprises. I looked to Tikki and said, "Tikki, you have to back me up here. What they're suggesting is crazy!"

Tikki shook her head and tried for a reassuring smile. She said, "It's not crazy Emma. It's the perfect plan. Marinette and Adrien are getting older. They won't be able to protect Paris forever. A new Ladybug and Chat Noir needs to be chosen. And that Ladybug will be you."

I sighed and said, "Ok then. I'll be the new Ladybug." Everyone looked at me with surprised expressions on their faces. I looked at them with raised eyebrows and questioned, "What? Why are you all staring at me like that? Do I have something on my face?" Mom shook her head and replied, slightly shocked, "No, no. It's nothing really. Just... I didn't expect you to take up the role of Ladybug so quickly." I nodded confidently and repeated, "I'll be the new Ladybug." 

I wanted to be the new Ladybug. I felt as if... I don't know how I feel, really. I don't have anything to prove to anybody, especially not my family, but it felt as if it was like that. This was my way of showing the world who I can be, even if the world doesn't know the girl behind the mask. 

Suddenly, Louis stood up and walked up to Dad, then asked, "Daddy, can I be the next Chat Noir?" Dad chuckled and picked Louis up, then replied, "You're too young Louis. You're not ready." Louis sighed and sat down next to Dad, not really fazed by the news. Dad laughed and said, "Actually, I wanted to give Hugo the honour." All our heads turned to the blue-haired boy. Hugo sat up straight in his chair and pointed at himself, incredulous.

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