Chapter 26

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 26 of Book 1: New Revelations! I am on literal FIRE! 🔥🔥🔥 Inspiration flows through me, after nearly a year's worth of emptiness. Hopefully, these chapters live up to your expectations. 😊 Now, without further ado, enjoy. 


Alan's POV



Excuse me...?

What did Lexi just say...?

"Huh?" I asked, completely stunned. Lexi wants to go to the dance with me? With me?! What the hell am I supposed to say now?! 

"Why do you sound so surprised?" Lexi replied with a chuckle. "There's a lot of people who want to go out with you. Take me, for example." At this point, my mind was completely blank. What the hell was Lexi saying?! I didn't even know there was anyone who liked me like that! "So? What's it going to be? Will you, Alan Lahiffe, go to the dance with me?" Lexi asked, raising her eyebrows.

Frozen stiff, I tried, and failed, to get my mouth to work. What was I even supposed to say in this situation?! No one's ever tried to ask me to a dance before! Granted, I've never even been to a dance before!

Don't get me wrong, I'm honored someone even bothered to ask me to the dance. I definitely didn't expect it to be Lexi, though. As happy as I am about it, I'd rather not go to the dance with someone I barely even know. I mean, Lexi seems like a nice girl. Everyone in class seems to like her, too. But if anything happens, I'd rather not embarrass myself in front of someone who was almost a complete stranger.

Besides, Alyssa asked me to ask Emma, even if she might turn me down. I have no idea why she was being so insistent on it, but Alyssa would definitely kill me if she found out that I accepted someone else's invitation without even trying.

"If... If you don't want to go, you can just say no... I really don't mind... It's up to you to choose, anyways..." Lexi muttered, fiddling with her hands. There was a hint of sadness and disappointment in her eyes. 

"No! It's not like that! It's just... " I trailed off, unable to find the words to finish that sentence. If the reason why I can't answer Lexi wasn't because I didn't want to go with her, what was it? Why am I hesitating so much? What is wrong with me?! Yes or no! It's that simple! 

Suddenly, the image of Emma popped into my mind, her black hair glistening in the sunlight. What the hell?! Why would I be thinking of Emma right now?! She isn't even here! Focus! You have to give Lexi an answer! I pushed the image away. One problem at a time. Do you want to go with Lexi or not?!

I glanced up to meet Lexi's eyes. Uncertainty had settled in. Damn it. What do I do now?!

I sighed and shook my head, all in an attempt to snap myself out of my thoughts. "Alan? What's wrong?" Lexi asked, obvious concern and sadness in her voice. An image of Emma popped into my head once again. Alyssa's voice rang throughout my mind. You can ask Emma to go with you! I'm sure she'll say yes! I know she'll say yes! Just trust me for once, would you? How do you know she'll say no, anyways?

Emma might say yes if I ask her. But Lexi is in front of me right now. And she's the one asking me to go to the dance! If I turn her down now, what am I going to do if Emma turns me down too? Honestly, I'd rather go to the dance with someone I barely know than go to the dance alone. That's way too embarrassing. 

I cleared my throat and started, "Lexi... I'm honored that you asked me. Really. But... I don't know you all that well and everything... " Lexi's eyes drooped down in disappointment, and her smile slid off her face. "Oh... I see... " Lexi muttered. 

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