Chapter 29

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 29 of Book 1: New Revelations! School has ended! Finally! After a year's worth of turmoil and suffering! But I still have to go back in order to attend CCA (Co-Curricular Activities) lessons... 😥 I don't understand! Why does the school want us to suffer so much?! Just give me my God damn GPA and LEAVE MY HOLIDAYS ALONE! Ugh! (I am just kidding. School is good for you. Stay in school, kids.) Anyways, hope you have a nice day! Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Carmen's POV

Tears kept falling.

No matter how hard I tried to wipe them away, the flow of tears won't stop. "Ugh! Emma! Lexi! I hate you! I hate you both! I swear! I'm going to get my revenge on you! Someday!" I screamed, throwing my bag across the room. My blood boiled underneath my skin. I absolutely couldn't stand them! Ugh! I hate them! I hate them! I hate them!

Suddenly, a black butterfly flew into the room. "Hm? What are you doing here?! Get out!" I yelled, waving my arms. I know being angry at a butterfly was completely and utterly meaningless. I couldn't do anything to it at the end of the day. But everything pissed me off. Besides, why would a butterfly fly into my room?! Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!

The black butterfly only flew closer and closer. "Hey! Get away from me!" I yelled, waving my arms around more frantically. One more thing about me. I absolutely hate bugs! 

But the black butterfly only flew even closer. Until, it reached my locket, phasing into it.

All of a sudden, the world seemed muffled. All around me, I could only see the colour black. What the hell is going on?! What's happening to me?! 

My dear Carmen Bourgeois. This is Hawkmoth. Revenge is best served cold, is it not? Well, let's give Emma and Lexi the revenge that they deserve. Together. We'll be a team. And your powers will know no limit. Alan will be forced to recognise you as the only one for him. All I want in return are the Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous. Now then. What do you say? 

"Alright, Hawkmoth." 

That's a good girl. Now, go wreak havoc in Paris! And bring me Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculous!

And with that, I burst out of my room, soaring through the air, immense power running through my veins. 

Time to get my revenge on Emma and Lexi!

Emma's POV

I raced downstairs, Tikki trailing not far behind me.

"Mom! Dad! Hugo! Louis! Are you alright?!" I called out, bursting into the living room. 

"Mom! Dad! Emma! Where are you?!" Hugo called out, dashing into the living room, Louis trailing not too far behind him. Good. It seems that Hugo and Louis are safe, at least. What about Mom and Dad?

Mom and Dad were sitting on the couch together, perfectly safe. I breathed a sigh of relief, leaning against the frame of the living room door. Thank goodness... Mom and Dad are safe too... I don't know what I would've done if any of them were hurt...

"Emma, Hugo, Louis. Thank God you guys are alright. Thank God." Mom breathed, sighing with relief. "Well? What's happening right now? What's going on out there?" Hugo asked, plopping himself onto the couch, making himself comfortable. He seemed way too relaxed, if you ask me.

"We don't know. It's probably an akuma, though." Dad replied, glancing in my direction. If there really was an akuma, then Ladybug and Chat Noir would have to make an appearance. Great... Just when I thought I could have a little break... Especially after all that had happened today... Just my luck, huh?

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