Chapter 27

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 27 of Book 1: New Revelations! School's almost ending for the year! Yay! After that, I can spend all my time and energy writing even more chapters! Hopefully, I can finish this before the end of the year. Want to see if I can do it? Hehe. 😊 Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Lexi's POV


I did it!

I finally did it!

Turning around, I glanced at Alan, then at Emma, who was hiding behind the pillar. If she thinks I didn't see her, she's a complete idiot. Who wouldn't notice someone tailing behind them for the past 10 minutes? Well, other than Alan, of course. He's just a little... oblivious, in that sense.

In any case, Emma got what she deserved. I warned her not to mess with me, didn't I? It might actually be better this way. She'd seen me taking Alan away from her with her own eyes. That's the best way to crush someone. From the inside out.

Emma... doesn't have a lot of weak points, I'll give her that. Believe me, it was incredibly tough to think up a plan good enough to crush Emma. She's unbelievably strong, and kind. But even the strongest of people have the people they love. And that's how you break them. Get ready to say goodbye to your precious Alan, Emma.

I smirked and walked away, quickening my pace. I wasn't lying when I said that Mom wanted me back home as soon as possible. Besides, I couldn't wait to fill her in on all the details. Especially Emma's face when she heard how Alan agreed to come with me to the dance. Mom's going to be ecstatic!

I exited the school gates, whipping out my phone to call Mom. I'd rather not have to walk home in the Paris afternoon heat.

For a moment, all was silent in the school courtyard.



I whipped my head around, having heard my name. Carmen was storming towards me, face flushed with anger. Her eyes were filled with tears. Her fists were clenched tight, her nails digging into her skin. Carmen was pissed. Really pissed.

"Carmen? What's wrong? What happened?" I asked, lacing my voice with fake concern. Honestly, it was sickening having to pretend to be the nice girl in front of everyone. It was way too tiring to keep up all the time. Especially under Emma's scrutiny. Every mistake I make, Emma will surely catch on. All the things I do just to get Alan all to myself.

"Don't play dumb with me! I can't believe you! I thought we were friends! What did you think you were doing?!" Carmen screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. I had to fight the urge to burst out laughing. Carmen looked like a mess right now. If only she could see her own face!

"Huh? What do you mean? I don't understand. Here. Let's clean you up first." I replied hastily, grabbing a tissue out of my pocket. This was getting annoying. I want to get home as fast as I possibly can. By this point, I had a faint idea of what was happening. More specifically, why Carmen was so upset and throwing a fit.

Carmen slapped the tissue out of my hand and growled, "You know exactly what you did, you bastard. You know how much I like Alan. How could you ask him to the dance?!" Ah. There we go. Exactly what I thought. It seemed that Carmen had also listened in on our conversation. No matter. I was going to break it to her eventually. She just saved me the trouble.

"Oh. That's what you're so upset about? Gosh, Carmen! I'm so sorry! I had no idea you liked Alan like that!" I gasped, feigning ignorance. Yeah, right. I knew all about Carmen's little crush. Honestly, it was a totally stupid. There's no way Alan would ever go out with Carmen. She should learn when it's time to face reality.

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