Chapter 23

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 23 of Book 1: New Revelations! School is starting soon and I'm a little excited since it's going to be a new school. Luckily for me, two of my best friends are going with me, so I wouldn't be completely alone. Let me know about your first day experiences. Now, without further ado, enjoy. 


Emma's POV

I officially hate Alyssa's guts.

How could she do that to me?!

Her best friend!

Shouts were heard as everyone rushed over to us. And they were coming closer and closer. "You might want to start running." Alyssa teased in sing-songy voice, a smirk on her face. For a second, no one moved. I didn't even know how to react. "Ugh. I'll get you for this Alyssa. Come on Emma." Alan growled, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the school. I didn't even get to enjoy the fact that Alan was holding my hand! All because of Alyssa. And the mob of people that was chasing after us.

"Where to?" I asked, sprinting further and further away from the school. "The park. That might give us some cover. For a little while, at least." We ran right for the park, the same park where Alan had his photoshoot and where this entire situation started. Kinda ironic, if you ask me.

"Over there!" Alan exclaimed, pointing to the fountain at the center of the park. It was dry and a little deep, just enough for us to hide there without anyone seeing us from afar. We jumped in and laid down low, breathing hard from the sprinting. "Well that was good cardio." Alan muttered, smiling. "This is so not funny. We're going to be stuck here who knows how long!" I fumed, clenching my fists.

"Hey, come on Emmy. This isn't so bad. At least no one's chasing after us anymore." Alan mused, lying on his side to face me. I guess Alan was right. To a certain extent. "Wow. Alan and his girlfriend together in the park! I gotta post this on social media." I whipped my head up. A construction worker was standing there, typing something on his phone. "We gotta get outta here." I muttered, before grabbing Alan's hand and jumping out of the fountain, as far away from the park as possible. 


Alyssa's POV

"OMG they are so cute together." Iris squealed. A picture of Emma and Alan hiding in the fountain was posted on social media. The entire mob of people had completely changed direction once this picture was posted. Everyone started rushing for the park. "This might be one of the craziest days I'll ever know." Liam said, shaking his head. "Poor Emma and Alan though, getting chased all over Paris." Kira sympathized. Always the sweet girl.

"Oh, don't worry. They'll thank us later."

Emma's POV

"Where to now?" I asked, running. "Maybe we can hide in the metro station for a while. There's less people there." Alan replied, changing direction and sprinting for the metro station. That didn't seem like too bad a place to hide. If things got too rough, we could always hop onto a train. 

I bent down and rested my hands against my knees, breathing hard. Running around like this was a lot harder without powers. "Hopefully this hideout lasts longer than the other one." Alan said, shaking his head and running his hand through his hair. "Tell me about it." I replied, rolling my eyes. 

"How are we going to get out of this mess..." Alan sighed, looking around. "I don't know, but Alyssa is dead tomorrow." I muttered. "Join the queue." Alan replied dryly, cracking a smile. I rolled my eyes before taking my phone out of my bag. "I better tell Chimp to bring Hugo and Louis home first. I'll be a while." I said, typing furiously. 

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