Chapter 32

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 32 of Book 1: New Revelations! You know, my writing style has changed a lot. Ever since I went on that long break. What do you know? Anyways, thanks to that, I realized that this book probably won't end soon. Maybe soon. But not too soon. After all, Chapter 31 had about 4700 words. But the content was about a 5 minute conversation. :) Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, I raced to the battle scene. There was no time to waste. I had to help Chat Noir. Carmen's power is dangerous. Exceptionally so. Chat Noir and I have never dealt with someone as powerful as Carmen. We have to be extremely careful if we stand a chance of beating her.

Landing near the edge of the courtyard, I noticed that Chat Noir had already arrived on the scene. He was keeping his distance from Carmen's servants. Just as Emma had warned him to do. That's good. At least Chat Noir knows how to keep himself out of danger.

"Chat Noir. I don't have time for this trivial nonsense. I've wasted enough time on Emma Agreste as it is. Give me your miraculous!" Carmen ordered, shooting another blast of power at Chat Noir. "Forgive me, Your Majesty. But I'm afraid I can't comply. It's in Paris' best interests that I keep fighting you. And I'm sure M'lady wouldn't forgive me if I gave up so easily." Chat Noir replied, deftly dodging the oncoming attacks.

"M'lady? Oh. Are you referring to Ladybug?" Carmen scoffed, shaking her head proudly. "My. That's quite a surprise. Who would've thought? Has the Kitty fallen in love with the Ladybug? How cute of you." Carmen's tone was every bit mocking. But surprisingly, Chat Noir didn't display any form of anger. His aura remained calm. His stance remained cautious. I didn't know that Chat Noir had such impressive self-control. Though I'm pretty sure Chat Noir wants to tear Carmen to pieces right about now. After all, he's still human.

"Hm. Interesting. At any rate, I'm not sure Ladybug will even be coming." Carmen continued, her voice light. Chat Noir visibly tensed. His grip on his baton tightened. "What do you mean? What have you done with Ladybug?" Chat Noir growled, poised to attack.

"Me? Nothing at all." Carmen chuckled, looking at Chat Noir in amusement. Carmen probably found this entire situation hilarious. Everything always was a game to her. "If Ladybug was going to come at all, why wouldn't she have come sooner? Surely she heard the screams of terror that echoed across Paris just a while ago." Carmen clucked her tongue, shaking her head in mock disappointment.

"Sorry Your Majesty. But I'm not falling into your trap. I'm sure M'lady would come soon. In the meantime, why don't you tell me where your akuma is hiding? That would really help us." Chat Noir replied, smirking. Alright. Maybe Chat Noir's overwhelming confidence is helpful. Especially when dealing with an egotistical Queen. It sure adds the icing on the cake.

Upon hearing that, Carmen's expression soured. "That's it. I have entertained you for far too long. I don't have time for your trivial nonsense. Servants! Bring me Chat Noir's miraculous! Immediately!" Carmen yelled indignantly. All around the courtyard, Carmen's servants came to life. Simultaneously, each and every servant walked towards Chat Noir, their arms outstretched. Chat Noir used his baton to create a wide berth around himself. But judging from the look on his face, Chat Noir had also realized that he was slowly getting cornered. I'm sure he also doesn't want to hurt these innocent people. After all, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I guess it's time for me to get going...

Jumping out from my hiding spot, I ran behind Carmen and locked her hands behind her back, causing her to drop her wand. "What?! Who dares?! Let go of me! I order you!" Carmen yelled, struggling desperately against my grip. "Sorry Queen of Hearts. I don't listen to orders other than from myself." I replied, tightening my grip even more. Ah... Having Ladybug's strength was a luxury I didn't fully appreciate having before. After going through that ordeal with Carmen, I'm never going to look down on this advantage ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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