Chapter 14

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 14 of Book 1: New Revelations! Chat Blanc is out!!! It is AWESOME you guys!!! You have gotta watch it! Though some of you might be disappointed. Ik I was, a little. No spoilers though!😉 Go watch it yourselves!  Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Alan's POV

Next Sunday night

Tonight was the night that Ladybug and Chat Noir were going to reveal themselves to the world. Tonight was the night that I would reveal myself to the world as the new Chat Noir. The savior of Paris.

I paced around my room. Alyssa had already gone with Mom and Dad to the Louvre. I came up with some lame excuse about wanting to watch it from home. Mom was a little suspicious of me, but let it slide. I wasn't exactly the best liar. 

I had a feeling that Chat Noir, aka Adrien Agreste, would want to talk to me before I head over to the Louvre. He must have some sort of instructions for me. I mean, if I just walk there, Mom, Dad and Alyssa are going to see me for sure. Then, they would have a thousand and one questions for me and the entire reveal will be a mess.

And I was right. 

A few moments later, a knock came from my bedroom window. I rushed to open it and in came Chat Noir. Chat Noir grinned at me and asked, "How are you Alan? Ready for the big announcement?" I shrugged. I wasn't really. But I couldn't tell Chat Noir that. He smiled at me and put his hand on my shoulder. He looked at me with kind eyes, understanding flashing in them. Chat Noir reassured me, "Hey. It's ok not to be ready. Being Chat Noir is a huge thing. The important thing is to face it. Not run away." 

I nodded and smiled at Chat Noir. Oddly enough, he was a really calming influence. Chat Noir winked at me and sat on my desk chair, then said, "Alright then. Time to get down to business. Ladybug and I have decided to reveal ourselves at twelve midnight sharp. After that, Tikki, that's Ladybug's kwami by the way, and Plagg will fly to you and the new Ladybug with the miraculouses. After you transform, come back out and we'll introduce you to the world. Got it?" I nodded again.

Chat Noir smiled and stood up. "Great! By the way, to transform all you need to say is  'Plagg, claws out.'. It's that simple. Now, ready to go?" I looked at Chat Noir, confused. "Go where?" I asked. He chuckled and replied, "Your parents and sister is heading to the Louvre right now right?" I nodded. "Then let's get you to the Louvre." 

Before I could respond, Chat Noir wrapped his arm around me and extended his baton. We leaped out into the open night sky, me trying not to scream and clinging onto Chat Noir for dear life, Chat Noir laughing and whooping as we jumped from roof to roof.

After a while of screaming and whooping, we landed on the top of the Louvre. Chat Noir slid down the slanted wall and stopped at a window. He opened it up and dropped me inside, then came in after me. Looking around, I realised we were in the Ancient Egypt section of the Louvre. Chat Noir closed the window and hopped down, landing beside me.

He smiled at me and said, "The new Ladybug will be in the Ancient Greece section, along with the old Ladybug. You have your phone with you?" I took it out of my back pocket and showed it to Chat Noir. He nodded, satisfied, and continued, "Good. Turn on the notifications for news. You're going to need that in the future. Use that to watch the live footage of the Louvre. When Ladybug and I detransform, Tikki and Plagg should appear maybe ten seconds later. Wear the miraculous, say the transformation words and come right back out. Plagg will explain everything to you."

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