Chapter 5

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 5 of Book 1: New Revelations! TYSM for 52 reads guys! They mean the world to me. You guys have no idea. Ik the last chapter was kinda crappy (To me, at least.), so hopefully this one will be better. Fingers crossed! 🤞 Also, I've decided that Emma will look like Marinette. Bcuz if I give her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, she'll look like Chloe, and no one wants that.

Btw, I just watched the grand finale of MLB season 3. (At least, I think it is.) I'm so angry right now! 😡 If you guys hasn't watched it yet, watch out because this is kind of a spoiler. You have been warned. I can't believe that Adrien and Kagami, Marinette and Luka are kinda together! Kagadrien (Adrien and Kagami's ship name) and Lukinette (Marinette and Luka's ship name) will not prevail!!! Adrienette (You guys should know what that is.) will happen!!! Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Marinette's POV

A silence filled the room when Emma, Hugo and Louis left the room. We were all staring at the spot where they had been standing just a few moments ago. Mama cleared her throat and said, "Well, that was interesting." Adrien groaned and ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up even more. "Not again! Ugh!" Gabriel asked, "What was that about? Why are they so angry?" I sighed and rubbed my temples with my fingers. I replied, "That was what we were going to talk to you about, actually."

I sat down on the couch, then retold the entire story. About how Emma, Hugo and Louis had found out that we were Ladybug and Chat Noir, about how they were mad at us because of keeping such a big secret from them, and most importantly, about how they didn't trust us anymore. I added, "They woke up way earlier than usual and went to school by themselves! They practically don't need us anymore!" I put my head in my hands and groaned loudly.

Mama and Papa sat down on either side of me. Mama wrapped her arm around my shoulder and said, "Ok... What would you like us to do Marinette? We can't change the fact that Emma, Hugo and Louis are mad at you." Adrien started pacing around the room and said, "Well, we were thinking that you guys could convince them to trust us again or something. But now, that's clearly not going to happen."

Papa frowned and asked, "So that's what they're so mad about? A little secret?" I said, "Papa, you know how much Emma values trust. This little secret could very well destroy our relationship. I just... I don't know what to do anymore." Gabriel said, "The children might not trust us now, but they'll have to come to their senses eventually. They need us, especially their parents." I lifted my head to look at Mama, Papa and Gabriel. I sighed and said, "But that could take forever. You know how Emma is. She loves to hold a grudge."

Tikki floated to me and said, "It's going to be ok Marinette. We'll find a solution eventually. You always do." I stood up and went to Adrien. He stopped pacing and turned to me. He suggested, "Maybe we can just knock down their door? Or maybe we can just crawl into their room and force them to talk to us? Or maybe we can transform into Ladybug and Chat Noir and go into their room through Emma's balcony? Or maybe-" I stopped him and sighed. I said, "No kitty. We can't force them to talk to us. That wouldn't help things at all. They need to be willing to listen to us." 

Mama stood up from the couch and said, "Maybe Tom and I can go and try to get through to them? I'm not sure if it will help but at least we know that we tried." I turned and smiled gratefully at Mama and Papa. I had the most supportive parents ever. Hopefully Mama and Papa will be able to help us. I said, "Thank you Mama, Papa." Gabriel said, "I shall go in after Tom and Sabine, in case they fail." It was Adrien's turn to smile at his father and say, "Thank you Father. This means a lot to me." Gabriel nodded once in reply.

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